Seventh Veil

Originally posted by 7_V
Have no fears merlin. Steve is here with his notebook.

Maybe really serious audiophiles should live in an acoustically transparent tent in the middle of a large field - sort of a 'New Age Audiophile Traveller' thing.
i did:D , it was a rather fun summer back in 87:D
Originally posted by HenryT
So which one of those descriptions do you fit into then, Merl? I see no fitting category for those wearers of white gowns with their clipboards and oscilloscopes. :p

I think you will find Henry, that I am a music lover first and foremost. It's just that I prefer to listen to it replayed without the distractions of my horrible little room;)

Remember, that for every subjective fault you find with your system, there is a technical explanation and more often than not, a solution. Be tough on colouration, be tough on the causes of colouration;)