SHOCKING: awesome Interconnects!!

Indeed, there is one bloke on HFC - I won't name him - but he poo poos everything to do with hifi yet contributes regularly. He thinks all amps sound the same, all interconnects, all speaker cable....also that hifis can't be good at playing one type of music and crap at another etc. I really don't understand why he bothers perusing the forum. I really don't. He should just buy a midi system and leave it alone.
Doctor Jeep said:
He thinks all amps sound the same, all interconnects, all speaker cable....
There are many people who are passionate about hifi who believe the above. I myself would go as far as all interconnects and all speaker cable sounding the same - it does IME. Also IME, the differences between many amps aren't nearly as great as you might think, I wouldn't go as far as to say they all sound the same though.

also that hifis can't be good at playing one type of music and crap at another
If a hifi is "good" it should be good at all kinds of music. If a system is "great for rock but crap for classical" (or the other way around) then IMO it's just crap. Whichever type of music a system is supposedly bad at then there must be flaws in that system to cause this. Flaws which don't go away with other types of music. They might not be as obvious, but they're there nonetheless.

Some systems are too detailed and too analytical and a poorly recorded rock record sounds harsh. Most high-end kit I've heard only sounds good with well recorded sources. So to say that only a bad system will sound poor with certain types of music is a bit of a bold statement. That for me is the problem with supposedly great hifi, a lot of my cd's are poorly recorded (not my fault, that's just how they are) and I want a system that plays 'em, not something that makes them unplayable. This is where most high-end systems fail. I think this is the reason for the "x system sounds good with classical and jazz, y system sounds good with rock" arguments. My system is how I like it now, detailed enough to make great recordings sound great yet not so analytical that it can't come to terms with a poorly recorded rock track.
michaelab said:
There are many people who are passionate about hifi who believe the above. I myself would go as far as all interconnects and all speaker cable sounding the same - it does IME. Also IME, the differences between many amps aren't nearly as great as you might think, I wouldn't go as far as to say they all sound the same though.
Michael, I know you are only expressing your opinion but as we are slightly more "understanding" and less "emotional" ( :D ) than some of the HFC forum members, why don't we (i.e. ZG) organise a simple DBT. (Emphasis on the simple).

At least then, perhaps, we can stop all this arguing. So when are you next in London?, who else can particiipate?, and who can host? I may be able to host but I don't think my system is good (revealing?) enough. I nominate Merlin to host :D

Any takers?
Most high-end kit I've heard only sounds good with well recorded sources.
A good system will make sense of all material with some goodness in it. Most 'high end kit' isn't really very good at all.

The key is that good hifi isn't about 'sounding good'. Try some Robert Johnson transcriptions, or other pre-tape recordings transcribed from 78. Then try and separate the technical limitations of the recording from what's been recorded. IME a good system will let you hear what's wrong with the recording and what's right with the material.

Doctor Jeep said:
Indeed, there is one bloke on HFC - I won't name him - but he poo poos everything to do with hifi yet contributes regularly. He thinks all amps sound the same, all interconnects, all speaker cable....also that hifis can't be good at playing one type of music and crap at another etc. I really don't understand why he bothers perusing the forum. I really don't. He should just buy a midi system and leave it alone.

Why don't you post on HFC and tell him so? :D
Dev - I'm in London this week, until Friday but then I'm back in Lisbon for 3 weeks. I'd definitely want to take part. I don't think we'll come to any serious conclusions though but it could be quite interesting. I don't think it will stop the arguing - if anything, it will probably give everyone more ammo :JPS:

Still, we seem to be able to have this kind of discussion now without any nastiness so no worries really :)

As long as we can discuss/debate this in a friendly way, I see no reason not to go ahead and arrange something. Let's see who else wants to participate then we can try to set a date that suits everyone (or perhaps most).
PeteH said:
Why don't you post on HFC and tell him so? :D
There is absolutely no point IMO. Looking at some of the posts on the latest cable thread, it seems obvious to me they they are so blinkered that no amount of reasoning will do. I just ignore their posts.
Dev said:
it seems obvious to me they they are so blinkered that no amount of reasoning will do.

Actually I think precisely the opposite. There's a streak of ruthless, brutal logic amongst certain parties on HFC, and if people get a hard time it's often due to not enough reason to withstand rigorous examination. I'm not saying here whether or not that's a good thing BTW, just that if you read the hotly disputed threads that's usually the pattern.
Very honest observation.

Maybe that is why so many are put off. When they started a fun threat for their latest toy they don't expect a peer review worthy of scientific journals. If that is how I come across in the past, sorry about that. Er........ It must the hot sun.....No what am I saying............ we must defend at all cost in the name of real scientific enquiry in honour of all the past great teachers.
PeteH said:
Actually I think precisely the opposite. There's a streak of ruthless, brutal logic amongst certain parties on HFC, and if people get a hard time it's often due to not enough reason to withstand rigorous examination. I'm not saying here whether or not that's a good thing BTW, just that if you read the hotly disputed threads that's usually the pattern.
There's an element of that as well, but others just posted silly images and just general piss take. Not interested I'm afraid :SLEEP:
Dev said:
Let's see who else wants to participate then we can try to set a date that suits everyone (or perhaps most).

Put me down for that too. The human brain gets confused by loads of variables so we'll have to choose the contenders at their respective price points carefully :)

hfc really does suck. there are far too many people who really won't listen :banghead: .This thread has amassed over 15 pages now over there, revolving around a couple of people. I'm willing to help out 'newbies' over there, but anytime anything with the word 'cable' appears its all guns to the ready, ready to shoot down anyone who thinks cables sound different to each other :gatling:

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