Show us Your Kit!

Butros Butros Ghali all,

Simon Yorke S7 Turntable and tonearm,
Zarathustra Soliloquy S4, Graham tonearm
Koetsu Black, Koetsu Onyx, Van den Hull Colibri, ClearAudio Accurate and Lyra Evolve 99 cartridges
Tom Evans "The Groove" phono stage

CD, DVD and Tape
Mark Levinson Reference Transport
Mark Levinson Reference DAC
TAG McLaren DVD32R
TAG McLaren AV32R
JVC HM-DH30000U D-VHS player

Mark Levinson 38 Pre
Mark Levinson 334 power
Cary Audio 572SE Monobloks
TAG McLaren 100x5R

Loudspeakers & Stuff
Sonus faber Guarneri Hmage
Nordost Valhalla Interconnects and speaker cable
Rel Stentor 2 Sub
BCD Granite and Glass stand
Panasonic Plasma screen

All the best - Andrew
Nordost Valhalla Interconnects and speaker cable
My gawd, Andrew... Have you won the lottery-jackpot ?!

Impressive setup, you've got there.

If I'm not mistaken, my whole system costs about the same as you're Nordost interconnect and speaker cable ! :rolleyes:
hi fi
audionet art v2 cdp
roksan l2.5 s1.5 ds 1.5 pre/pwr and power supply
jm labs 906 spks
ecosse cables
pioneer 939a dvdv/dvda
marantz 4300 av amp
jmlabs speakers f/r/c/s.
panny 100 projector
qed cables
all gear on ikea corra's plus home made isolation platforms and mains cables
What a CD player you have¡¡¡¡¡

I had a listen last saturday and I think is one of the best CD player actually in the market.

How the audionet match with other non audionets amplifiers?

Thank you Ronaldo.
thanks for your comments on the cdp i bought this on it ability for playing all types of music it works well with loads of amps.
go for something neutral in presentation. i was not as inpressed with the matching amp and prefered the roksan.
the cdp on a par with at least 2 cdp's that were twice the price, but this is my opinion.
i thought it sounded better than a naim cdx/xps and also my mate's 777 sony sacd player in both modes. i also had a listen too another player in the £5000 bracket which shall remain nameless overpriced tat.
to be honest at £2300 there is nothing that touches it.
to those of you concerned (you know who you are) it has blue lights :)
Im starting to save money for the audionet.:D

Will be a long wait :mad: but worth the effort. Thanks for the advice.

By the way I changed my loudspeakers.

Paradigms reference studio 60s

Triangle NAIA
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Here's mine:

Densen B400XS
Krell KAV250a/3 (power for the front3)
Panny 6
B&W Sig 805s
Rotel RB03 (rears)
NTL Cable
Pioneer CDR
Not in pic: B&W CDM2SEs (rears)


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I like to keep things simple :cool:

(just swapped 2 pinewood planks from my simple, little AV-rack for 2 light-oak veneered MDF boards yesterday)



That's all folks:rolleyes:

Seeing as it's my first post, card's behind the bar etc :)

My boogie box:

NAS Spacedeck/OL-modded RB250 (weight & wires)/Denon DL103
Trichord Dino/Dino+ psu
Exposure Super XV Integrated
Proac Super Tablettes on Proac 4-pillar stands (made by Target I believe)
Arcam Alpha 1 CD player (it's only for background!)
Nak CR3 Cassette deck
Exposure speaker cable
Deltec Slink interconnects for both Dino and CD player.
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Hi Guys,

I give up, I can't finish reading this post. Any way the guys who own the mini hi fi set don't be sad, one of my friend previously own full set of audiolab

audiolab cd-transport
audiolab DAC
audiolab pre-amp
audiolab power 8000P
monitor audio studio 20

Digital link - wireworld
IC - wireworld Eclipse x 2
SC - wireworld Eclipse

two year later he sold the system. I asking him why ?
the reply from my friend "I don't like the sound"
(meaning not the system no good because hi fi is very personal)

now he happy with the JVC mini hi fi set since after that.

For me,

CD-player - Philips CD951 (Modified)
IC- wireworld Eclipse type-3

Amp - Alchemist Forseti APD15A MKII (Modified)

SC - XLO pro 600 speaker cable (bi-wire)
SP - Jamo E870 (may be upgrade to D870)

Line Power with 4KVA isolation transformer build-in RF-filter.
home make power cable ICL-mainframe power cable (3 -phase):D

by the way any one have experience with philips SACD1000 whats the sound like compare with sony, marantz sacd-17 or else.

coz pick up lens of Philips CD951 run out of spare.

Thank you
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Lavardin IT Integrated amp
Quad ESL 988 speakers
Sony SCD XA3000es CD/SACD player

Sugden Headmaster + Senn HD600 for late nights (modern terraced house!)

Bow Technologies Wizard 2 CDP
Pure 701 Dab Tuner
Sony MDS JE 480 Minidisk (for wife's aerobics)


Bow Technologies Warlock Pre
Bow Technologies Walrus Power

ART Expression 3-way

JPSLabs Superconductor FX Balanced CDp-Pre
JPSLabs Superconductor FX Balanced Pre-Power
3x Chord Chameleon 2 RCA for tuner and MD (2 pairs)

JPSLabs Superconductor FX (bananas)

JPSLabs Digital AC cable to CDP
JPSLabs Analog AC to Pre
JPSLabs Power+ AC to Power
AudioSource integra AC to Dab tuner

Mains Conditioner:

Audiosource E4-6 6 way


Schroers&Schroers Alphastatic (with lit 10mm glass shelves)
So you moved to the dark side... :JPS:

No wonder you are selling your JBLs, those speakers are BIG... :yikes:
Speakers : Proac D100


So much for getting small speakers to be considerate to the neighbours! I suppose if you expire whilst manhandling them up to your flat then at least they'd double up as coffins:D
Originally posted by michaelab
Get away! You're having me on now.... :lol:


Oh and you haven't changed your set up at all since ZG's inception Mr Kettle:D

To be fair, I rather doubt I will be able to live with speakers this size for very long - but I'll sure have fun trying:D
Originally posted by merlin
To be fair, I rather doubt I will be able to live with speakers this size for very long - but I'll sure have fun trying:D
Come on over to the side, Merlin, you know you want to...

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