Mighty Rearranger
I used to own a Forden Tank recovery Vehicle, no problems in that dept 

wolfgang said:Isaac,
What do they actually teach you in the advance driving test? I am being serious as I do not know anyone in person you have done it. If it is about accident prevention then it would certainly be worth it.
they were Rover 416s and Volvo 940samazingtrade said:Did you see Top Gear when they crashed them sub £100 cars into a brick wall at 30mph? The Volvo 740 was amazing, the Rover 216 was not so good. All of them got out the cars without injury though, although I think it may have been staged.
julian2002 said:i think it should be madatory for a driver to have to ride a 50cc motorbike for a year before being allowed in a car. riding a 'ped teaches you anticipation like nothing else and imho anticipation id 80% of avoiding an accident.
julian2002 said:coda,
not sure about bikes rather than motorbikes. with the motorised variety you have a nearly identical amount of vulnerability coupled with greater speed (in general).