So, tell me about your 2nd system ...

My second system is actually my a/v setup, and comprises the Acoustic Energy speaker set mentioned in the 'Biggest Bargain Ever' thread, fed by a Marantz DVD player through a Nakamichi AV10 amplifier. I'm very lucky to have a girlfriend who is extremely supportive of my - as she puts it - 'box fixation'.
in my gym...Marantz pm7200, Pioneer 656a universal player, mission m55, with a freeview box and portable telly....

oldest legacy component is my Arcam Delta 60, still trundling on in my eldest son's (Prepubescentcrisis's) room with a marantz 63 and some little Tannoys.
Classik with Ruark Templers
My second system's the usual component outcasts left after the upgrades started.

Only problem is it's in my study and I use the 2nd system about 5 times as much as the main system but it only cost me 1/5th as much.....somethings gone wrong somewhere???
andyoz said:
My second system's the usual component outcasts left after the upgrades started.

Only problem is it's in my study and I use the 2nd system about 5 times as much as the main system but it only cost me 1/5th as much.....somethings gone wrong somewhere???

Unless your cheaper system sounds better why not swap them round?
Have toyed with the idea but speakers won't fit really.

Anyway, I'm meant to be working when I'm in the study, at least that's what the missus thinks...
Leave it alone guys, no more equipment purchases for me. I've spent the last 6 months trying to keep the missus from finding out what I REALLY paid for my latest gear!
amazingtrade said:
Unless your cheaper system sounds better why not swap them round?

Odd you should say that. The same kit sounds better in the dining room than in the living room, the main listening room. Its accoustics are just so much better. I had a real shock when I first upgraded and then installed the discarded kit in the dining room! That led to the upgraditis.

Of course the rational option would be to make the dining room the main listening room, but then I'd never enjoy the music in the 'best room'.
Jamo D165 speakers (big ugly, PA style speakers, 8 inch bass driver, 4 inch mid range and a horn tweeter)
Mini system of unknown manufacturer (I think its actually a Boots own brand jobby!)

Treble is harsh as hell, bass is low but seriously flabby, and one of the speakers has developed a rattle at certain frequencies as one of the screws on the mid driver has worked loose. I only use this at home now (my marantz/B&Ws stays in Aberystwyth at uni).
I am not sure a cheapo mini system will be able to drive them Jamo's proberly.

When I get my own place which hopefully will be soon I hope to start collecting a lot of HIFI stuff. My sisters system is one of the most interesting setups ever, it really has a great bouncy sound, it will get tiring after a while but the dymanics are truely impressive.

My parents Marantz PM4000/Sony CDP530/JPW 310i setup sounds awful because the speakers are next to each other and the furnishings seem to soak up any rawness.

I love the way I have managed to convert all my family into HIFI seperates, even my sister (19 years old) is wiling to have an ugly beast of a 70's in her room becuase she accepts how awful sub £500 mini systems sound.
amazingtrade said:
I am not sure a cheapo mini system will be able to drive them Jamo's proberly.

Neither am I, but its always coped in the past! Needs turning up pretty far, past half way on the dial certainly, but its played like this for hours without any real sign of trouble. The speakers would most definitely appreciate more power though, when I ran these speakers with my PM7000 the bass was far tighter and less flabby.

To be honest I'd try to sell the speakers if I had a box big enough to ship them anywhere in, as this 'second system' hardly gets much use anymore (since september i've only even been in the right city to use it for 6 weeks).
Bedroom (the size of a lounge!):
NAD 533/Ortofon 520 TT
Rega Planet Mk1 CDP
Rega Mira 2000 amp
Rega Ela Mk1
Philips 730 DCC (remote control/WORKING autoreverse for tape)
Pioneer CT-447 cassette
Sony 530 MD
NAD 4225 tuner
Akai CR81D 8track cartridge recorder
Rega Ear/Beyer DT531 headphone system
Sony KVM25F2U tv
Philips 805 VHS
Pioneer 656 DVD
Pioneer 1750 Laserdisc
Yamaha E800 DD/DTS/DPL AV processor
Sony Playstation
Namco joystick (Pac-man/Galaxians/Bosconian etc!!!)
Paradigm CC170 centre/Rega Kyte rears

Yep - the lounge has NO TV in it!
The "bedroom cupboard" system (ie, noone's bought it yet)

Marantz PM6010OSE, CD6000OSE, Kef Cresta 2's.

The real 2nd system is a 1Gb iPod Shuffle with a pair of Shure E2c's.

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