So who has got the best knob then?

Tom has the biggest knobs in the valley............and they come with their own rubbers!!!!!!!!! :eek:


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wadia-miester said:
I feel this knob obsession is a little distrubing for this forum, let alone any would-be memebers thing about joining Phallus R' Us Weighted or otherwise

Thought you'd be into this, what with your "gay" hifi an' all
Fraid, this gay hifi an all' is a bit over my head Paul, I'm just an operator mate, I just push buttons.
Well merlin has informed me my new speakers are 'Well Gay' in fact on the gayness factor, they're pretty high, so I'll need to butch them up a bit before posting a picture.
though rest assured no Knobs of any discription.
I prefer flanges to knobs myself - in fact my system is totally knob free!
I've said it before, but I believe that a knobless system, by definition, can't be any good at all, regardless of what it sounds like.

-- Ian
Are we talking quantity now Ian?

My amp's got six silver buggers and is all the better for it!
My ATC CA2 volume knob has a little "rubber" on it and a very smooth action!!
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Nah Ak,

You lot just arn't Esoteric enough, its so disappointing, And to think, Jason H left you lot off his 'approved' hifi fora list in this months mag, I can see why what a shower, its depressing to see how low you lot have shunk too (Cheggers plays pop love in area :rolleyes: ), I'm gutted, just no balls on the forum any more :-(
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wadia-miester said:
And to think, Jason H left you lot off his 'approved' hifi fora list in this months mag, I can see why what a shower, its depressing to see how low you lot have shunk too (Cheggers plays pop love in area :rolleyes: ), I'm gutted, just no balls on the forum any more :-(

What's this "you lot", should that not be "us lot", or are you sitting on the sidelines in this forum then?

Any way balls matter less when you've a big knob :)

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