First off, I find it fascinating that this thread was growing faster than I could read it...from beginning to what I thought was page 5 at the time...
Now, without going into too much rhetoric, the following scenario goes for both cable-magicians as well as cable-physicians...
Imagine if you were forced to cast aside the entirety of your audio listening platform of choice. The whole kit and kaboodle, forever gone.
How would you start fresh? What have you learned in your experiences with audio equipment and peripherals?
Would you agree the logical choice would be to spend a decent (not obscene/tip top, not cheap/rubbish) amount of money for components which are:
1). Capable of a non-clipped/distorted output slightly higher than your listening level.
2). Are equipped to modify depending on your tastes/mood/audio type, via hardware, the output to suit your listening "needs".
3). ...and that such a capability would render any such "nuances" in paltry items such as cables a moot point? (Besides, what "matched" wires are used inside the equipment?...don't answer, it's just going to get you laughed at.)
...the point is, is that from its default out of box state, you can take decently priced equipment, with electronically sound signal conductors for speakers, (12 awg is just fine...) and make it sound just as good as obscenely high priced equipment....and vice versa.
If you think the tinning on the ends of 12 awg wires makes the sound too (insert vague descriptive adjectives here)...then use your damn EQ. Likewise, if the $6000/lft. rubidium parallel spun solid core cables give the audio a wider image than "Monster" cables, then perhaps you should just stick with your "Monster" cables and tweak the settings until your ear likes the sound. it or not, cable-physicians are in utter disbelief at what they see as wasteful spending on components by the cable-magicians.
...and cable-magicians are in utter disbelief that cable-physicians can be absolutely content with what they hear out of an entire
suite of apparently inferior equipment that costs less than one of the discrete amps in their rig.
It is such with any hobby. Rarely do large numbers of people feel satisfied with the same product...hence the relentless (...and seemingly ENDLESS.

) pursuit of happiness, in whatever field you may consider yourself an aficionado and/or guru.
Both sides will argue to sometimes illogical ends to pronounce or denounce a method or product as they view it to be.
Realize this...
You're all correct.
You're all wrong.
...So long as you're happy and don't try to force your
views and
opinions as
fact on someone else who appears to be happy...enjoy your stuff.
...someone says they can't hear a difference in cables? So what, let 'em discuss what it is they find to be pleasing to the ear. I'm betting it has something to do with a piece of equipment they own or use.
They aren't right or wrong. For all you know, they could have tiny earlobes and are tone deaf.
...someone says that Acoustic Research cable would sound better if the connectors were flip-flopped? If it makes no difference to you, just be thankful you don't have to live with such sensitive hearing with regard to your own ears.
*-The probability of you being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your actions...