You could try my more recent DIY effort.
It uses 4 pieces (per channel) of silver-plated copper wire with teflon dielectric, which is basically the same constituents as Chord Rumour 4 (£20/m). I've braided them in a kimber-style weave (which is annoying to do, but you don't have to sort the ends like FFRC. You don't HAVE to weave it though... wire twisting pliers could be used to twist the whole lot together). Total cost £3.20/m, although you have to buy the wire in 25m lots (which would make 6.25m of cable, and would only give you one colour... best to use two). Sound... not harsh as you might expect of silver. Bright... yes, the balance is to the mid and high frequencies. Bass is reasonable. Not as much nor as punchy as the Tara RSC, but the overall balance fits in with my room/system better.