Speakers for a difficult room

lordsummit said:
Just bought the last remaining pair of Kestrel HR's in captivity. Hopefully they'll arrive tomorrow. The wife's out in the evening, I'll slip them in then and be ready with the coconut oil :D
Here's to hoping they do the trick

Y'know, I think that's what you really wanted to do all along. Congrats on your purchase, hope they work out for you. :)

In case the coconut oil doesn't work out, you might want to have a bottle of champagne and a big bowl of hulled strawberries on standby in the fridge ;)
lordsummit said:
Yeah and I think if anyone comes round they'll be obliged to say how amazing I got these for the same price as the Kef's they're replacing :D

Actually they were slightly cheaper and you put the rest to those new cd's :)
lordsummit said:
Best ever story was Matt sneaking his new processer in when his missus had gone to bed.

It was actually a new DVD player and she still hasn't noticed.

What's even funnier is that with my move back to stereo I have as good as sold that DVD player so I will be bringing my old Rotel DVD player back into service - wonder if she will notice that it's turned from silver to black!

On the Meadowlark issue - I've been having a look at those myself as I also need speakers that can be used near a back wall. Are they difficult to get hold of then? I spotted a pair for £495 (ex-dem or used - can't remember) don't tell me those are the ones you bought!

Yeah I'm not sure if the Meadowlarks would work near a wall but they say they are 'easy to place'. What I couldn't suss out is where the tranmission line 'outlet' is on them - is it on the back?

And who's JJ? What dealer are we talking about here?

And I've seen the Quads - nice but rear ported I think and I'd ideally like a cherry finish (or oak at a push) and not in high gloss if possible - more of a satin man me.

Matt F said:
Yeah I'm not sure if the Meadowlarks would work near a wall but they say they are 'easy to place'. What I couldn't suss out is where the tranmission line 'outlet' is on them - is it on the back?

I believe its on the back, rather close to the floor....could be wrong though.
The older models, Kestrel (Hotrod), Shearwater (Hotrod) and heron all had the transmission line exit on the back. The current lineup (Swift, Kestrel 2, Osprey, Nighthawk, Blue Heron 2) have the exit on the front.
Matt. Have a look at www.hifiguy.co.uk

Theres some really nice KEFs in your budget, especially the REF 2's. The 103-3s look juicy too.

The Heybrook Sextets they have might be good, but I dont know a lot about em.
The Heybrook sextets are an old Noel Keywood (from hifi world) rave. They are early 90s speakers so quite old now. I reckon they are overpriced on hifiguy's site, but have been on for ages so he might take a low offer.
Yes, and you get some interesting sites come up on a Google search of "Heybrook Sextet"!

Thanks for the site link though bottleneck - not sure about the Kef Ref 2's - I used to own a pair of Ref 2-2's which I loved and the originals didn't have great reviews. Actually, a lot of the speakers on there I fancy are sold.

But noticing the sold Thiel CS2.3's I remembered that sounds of music have a second hand pair of them going for £1195. Mmmm - interesting.

Bloody hell - just on that hifiguy site looking at amps - spotted a Chord SPM600 at a silly price - £795 (retail £2K+) - do a refresh 5 mins later and the bugger's sold!

There's some cheap Audio Research gear on there though :)

not sure if they are the same ones but i heard some thiels on the end of ayre kit a while ago and wasn't hugely impressed. just saying....


I feel the Theils have much better potential when partnered with some thing other than an a US M/F Blatant ripp off :)
I've heard the 3.6's with some proper kit on them on quite passable sir.
wadia-miester said:
some thing other than an a US M/F Blatant ripp off :)

Just to let you know WM, Charles Hansen has been around every bit as long as Anthony Michaelson and he produces some superb kit if your tastes revolve around valves but you don't want the hassle.

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