Speakers for Naim gear??

Originally posted by timpy
Laugh!!! I nearly fell off my chair!!


Arh, thats all well and good Timpy me boy, but was your chair DBT approved ?, certifiaction notice please, is it CE marked?, else the above statement is all a load of refutible gerratric shoemakers, remeber the blue curtain is king of sound demo's how dare you, you'll be cast in to the pits of red braces squad, you heathan :p

Have you got yourself a record deck yet? It's just with all this DBT stuff, it's beginning to sound like the needle's stuck old boy;)
you jolly japester you ;). have you decided on this months kit selection yet? i'd suggest some bose gear would suit you down to the ground. you could always connect up those skips masquerading as subs and you'd maybe double the bose's performance.

Surely not another thread digressing into another Naimaslug debate??

Ref the Kabers. I ran mine with a Nait 5 for a year. Massive volumes weren't on the cards and the control wasn't amazing, but it still did the job, so I can't picture a 180 having any problems.
it's quite simple really. the 250 is the pinacle because i own one. quick someone puncture my ego before it kills us all...


Originally posted by Mr_Sukebe
Surely not another thread digressing into another Naimaslug debate??

Nah don't worry Mike! DBT and esoteric cables will be along soon to liven things up:SLEEP:
Hello all.
I am really grateful for your replies and have taken them all on board. I also posted my request to the Naim and PinkFish lists.
The guys on Pink Fish suggested that as my room was sonically awful I should perhaps look at some Shahinian Arcs. The Arcs, apart form sounding wonderful, (and even more wonderful with Naim gear) are extremely forgiving of less-than-optimum listening spaces and positions (and should suit me in my current house and the next).
Just at that moment a pair of Arcs came up on Tom Tom Audio (oak, 1996 for £1,195) so i have bought them as they seem to be rarely avialable and easy to sell.

When I get them, I'll let you all know what i think.

Thanks again.

Originally posted by merlin

I don't think you can ever have enough Lego.
So far about 2 x 10^11 Lego bricks have been made, but funnily enough the nanotech guys seem more concerned with the grey goo problem than the toy manufacturers are with the knobbly multicoloured child's brick problem.
Give me a break I watched horizen the other night on this,

Heres the story.

Some guy makes fantastic advances into nano technology. Horizen gives us all the possibilities, how amazing, how they may turn on us how the world may, nay Will be changed by this fantastic and futuristic technology. This ran for around 40 minutes. The last 10 minutes was the startling discovery that the scientist in question was talking bollocks.

So ended another shit episode of Horizon.
Originally posted by garyi
So ended another shit episode of Horizon.
Couldn't agree more. That's exactly what I thought. There was a time when Horizon was a halfway decent programme. This was a load of rubbish.

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