Star Wars Episode 3...

Lucas has had it hard, star wars (4) was and is a kids film, but the kids that watched and loved it are now adults expecting an adults film. The story is bound to be weaker as it all happens in the original (last) three films. Will be interesting if he ever makes them what 7-9 will be like - darker? more adult?
rsand said:
star wars (4) was and is a kids film


It is possible to make great films that appeal to kids and adults alike.

Toy Story, Spirited Away (if you haven't seen it, do), Matrix (1), LOTR ...

I don't believe it is just nostalgia that has thirtysomethings sitting through A New Hope for th nth time.

parts 7-9?

There was a line where Yoda is sending Obi-Wan off to commune with the (dead) Qui-Gon Jinn which did have me wondering about further movies, or was that a games reference?
i actually thought that iii was not just (much, much) better than i and ii, but also beter that vi. although i have to say i always thought that v was the best of them all, closely followed by iv.

still love the line from spaced about "jah jah making the ewoks look like shaft".
Yeh, spaced was top! I love the scene where he rips a new ar*e hole for someone about the phantom menace, and when the camera pans to the customer its a 6 year old kid who starts crying
What a prick :D

I thought the Ja Ja (is it ja ja or jah jah?!) scene in the third one was quite funny, seemed sarcastic in a way :)
Coda II said:
There was a line where Yoda is sending Obi-Wan off to commune with the (dead) Qui-Gon Jinn which did have me wondering about further movies, or was that a games reference?

That was a forward referenece to the skill Obi demonstrates in IV & V as Alec Guiness, when he appears to Luke after dieing.
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Wow, a lot of fans. I'm glad you guys liked it, it just didn't do anything for me. In fact it's somehow tainted the other 3 films.

There seems to be an enormous split of opinion, more so than any other film in recent memory. Could there be two versions? Maybe we weren't watching the same film!!!
Went to see it with the wife and two of the kids. Easily the best of the recent 3 for me. I did find that i was looking at my watch on a few occasions about an hour or so in, however it picked up later on, especially as all of the story lines for 4,5, and 6 took shape.

Killing all of the kiddies was a particularly nasty bit and very Darth Vader, he didn't chop them up very much though considering how small they were and him having a particularly sharp light sabre an all, perhaps one or two little high pitched screams wouldn't have gone amis as the camera panned away and the scene faded out..

Glad to see that stupid Ja ja character didn't feature much at all. Master Yoda was pretty cool as always, I really like that little green guy.

Possessing a force or having special tasks must make you flame and heat proof, all these super heros seem to revel in fighting actually inside erupting volcano's, whereas us mere earthlings can't get to within a few hundred meters without having to don fireproof suits and breathing apparatus.

Hobbits seem to be immune from the effects of sulphur dioxide and intense heat too, must be them big hairy feet....
took the wife and kids (9 & 11) to see it this weekend and we were all bored witless :SLEEP: . it is too long by far and the dialogue is utterly stilted - no actor can work effectively with that material, let alone when they are carved from a block of wood like Heineken Skywalker (trained in eyebrow acting by Roger Moore?). I was delighted when he had his legs chopped off as I'd been longing to do it to him myself.. the effects were doubtless very expensive but are no substitute for tension and drama - and there wasn't any of that at all as there were never any outcomes in doubt.
I went last night, dragged semi-unwillingly by mrs beeb who is a devotee... I actually quite enjoyed it, loved the fights and space battles and the spaceships.

But the mechanisms to drive the plot forward are very weak, especially Annakin going over to the dark side. Weakest by far was Obi-Wan's victory in the light saber duel... "I have the higher ground, you cannot win" - as if we haven't watched these guys leap 20-30 feet up and down all over the place for the last 10 minutes!

Poor Christopher Lee.... 2 mins on screen and he's lost his head! At least he had better luck than poor Saruman in LOTR who got nothing in the 3rd film. And all Anni can say is "Oh, I shouldn't have done that, it was not the jedi way". hang on... this is a big step in the wrong direction mate!

And Darth Vader just isn't scary 30 years on.... At the end, on the bridge of the starship gazing out over the skeletal Death Star he folds his arms as if to say "lovely view, fancy a cuppa?"
well I have seen it for a 2nd time.

Its good, very good, quite a bit of tension, and the emporer is absolutely superb.

But I suspect its been cut, I found myself seeing more 'inner detail' this time around, and its a bit incoherent, I was wondering who a lot of the people in the outer reachers were, bits happened all a bit quick, and annekin turned totally in a few minutes, one min he had a conscience, next he was the emporers devotee, and why did all the storm troopers suddenly serve sidious?
If you are 12 then go and see it if not wait for the video!, we left when he got his legs chopped off, was bored, and uncomfortable, smashig effects spoiled by poor storyline dragged out too long.
analoguekid said:
If you are 12 then go and see it if not wait for the video!, we left when he got his legs chopped off, was bored, and uncomfortable, smashig effects spoiled by poor storyline dragged out too long.

Oh no! You missed the best part of the film. The rising of Darth Vader! Wet your pants funny, though unfortunately not intentionally so...

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