Sugesstions for deck upgrade?

Originally posted by Uncle Ants

Re the Gyro bounce? Lawrie, you say its an art - is it really that tricky to get it right to begin with? Presumably there's a knack to it.

Uncle Ants,

As Sideshowbob says, there is an element of trial and error involved but having seen how quickly a couple of experienced TT die-hards (one a Michell dealer) have achieved the "perfect bounce" (in just a few minutes), I believe that there is also some 'art' involved as well, rather than it just being trial and error alone. According to those guys, the vertical bouncing movements should last for between 30 to 40 seconds (with 40 seconds being the ideal target) after the centre of the platter has been pushed downwards and immediately released. The only things that would prevent the vertical bouncing movements to last for that long are sideways movements (incorrect set-up). However, if you decide to go the Gyro route, you could always take a look at the following link which is one of the best Michell Gyro set-up guides out there - just to whet your appetite.:D The brief instructions that come with the Michell deck are not as thorough as this: One thing that this guide fails to mention though (unless I missed it;)) is that a good but very light-weight spirit level is an essential companion in the whole set-up procedure. Anyway, as mentioned earlier, once set-up correctly, the suspension stays put with no more fiddling required.

FWIW, I did audition the Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck, Rega P25, Clearaudio Champion Level II & Gyro SE and I preferred the Gyro's presentation to that of all the others.

Enjoy the music,

Cheers Lawrie,

The link doesn't seem to be working at the mo - I'll try again tomorrow. I'll have to give a gyro a whirl. I'll see if the bounce makes me seasick :) If it doesn't have the jelly on a plate effect that the Thorens I experienced (the only real sprung deck I've ever used - actually except my beloved focus before I ditched the springy feet), then maybe I could live with it, especially if its set and forget.

I will have to try the gyro and others out though. Anything more than a couple of hundred quid and theres no way I'm buying blind (or is it deaf).
Originally posted by Uncle Ants
Cheers Lawrie,

I will have to try the gyro and others out though. Anything more than a couple of hundred quid and theres no way I'm buying blind (or is it deaf).

Uncle Ants,

I agree that an audition is a must because although the NA Spacedeck did not work for me, you may find that in your system, you prefer it over the Gyro. The Spacedeck is also very good but I just found it too dark sounding for my tastes. The Clearaudio & Rega P25 are also good decks although I thought that the Gyro & NA spacedeck were better sounding to my ears. Btw I've just tried the Gyro set-up link and it does work. Anyway, here it is again:

Enjoy the music,

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Originally posted by bottleneck
Did it have a space-arm on it?

They N.A. arms a little bit pants IMO, especially for how much they are.

Hi Bottleneck,

Both the NA Spacedeck & Clearaudio Champion Level 2 were auditioned with their own arms and at two separate dealers. Not a good way to audition such components but I had no other choice. The only 'constants' were my amp and speakers.

Also, both dealers insisted that the decks worked better with arms from the same stables as the decks so I went along with it. Luckily, I was able to audition the Gyro & Rega P25 with the Incognito RB300 arm and same cartridge as both were carried by the same dealer.

Enjoy the music,


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