Synergy and recommended pairings

Originally posted by wadia-miester
Chris I have a few Celestion AD 12 Subs kicking about, these are the drivers from the marshall 4 * 4 Cabs, they made great subs in their day, had a pair in a ported (twin 3 inch dia, 8 ich long flared pipes) .7m cubic box, They rocked rather well, with 1Kw of Genesis amplification on them.
Oh, This morning I went to Andy's for Timps 'x' over back, and listened to a class 'd' valve amp, now that wasn't very intresting, next time you over Chris, we'll go and see him, he just done a 'pre verison' too' Tone

Sounds fun mate! we'll have to do that :)

Im having a whale of the time at the moment constructing a DIY pre-amp kit. The amount Ive learned about electronics in the past week and the confidence its given me to modify equipment is amazing. Its the best thing Ive ever done, regardless of what the final product will be like.... (which on the basis of just component quality and circuit design should be very good)

After this I might try modification to my power amp... Im bitten by this bug!

who'da thunk it? :)

I'd argue that electrostatics that I have heard do not possess the ability to 'move air' that a cone has - and cannot therefore recreate the energy of the original amplification.
The electrostatics that I've heard do a very fine job of sounding like a Marshall stack fed by a Stratocaster played by a genius, when appropriate. They also do a fine job of drums, bass and vocals. In the context of a normal living room rather than a studio or stage.

What we're trying to do is reproduce a recording, not emulate any one instrument.

To bend an analogy, a cone speaker is like a transformer less valve amp, it can be done but it's not efficient. A panel speaker or horn loaded cone matches the impedance of the air and does a more efficient job of moving it. This is why small sub-woofers require huge cone excursions and many hundreds of watts. It's a very inelegant approach to sofa shaking.

Nothing to do with alleged synergy though...

The electrostatics that I've heard do a very fine job of sounding like a Marshall stack fed by a Stratocaster played by a genius, when appropriate. They also do a fine job of drums, bass and vocals. In the context of a normal living room rather than a studio or stage.

Humm, I can only prosume Paul, that you've heard Apogee's as the ESL 989's My Brother own's don't seem to manage that, by a long shot, Undoubtly better for more 'alive music' than M/L are's (though they do, do certain things like no others), Iwe must then take into account your hearing, only other logical conclusion here.
However Henry should have the 989's on home demo, for sure, they do have a habit of sounding good more times than bad :)

To bend an analogy

Never, not Mr Theroy, take 2 asprins and go to bed early, you know it'll help :D

Nothing to do with alleged synergy though...

Take 2 bottles into the shower, nah not Paul he uses 'Synergy' the top selling non cohesive internet forum trawler & Theroy provider available now at your local pancake store :rolleyes:

If there was ever an art-form in being a internet annoyance artist, you would have a PHD in it sir :)
Tony, theory and understanding allows you to design and build hifi gear that works. I presume from your disparagy that you tend toward the solder splash school of modification? Synergy then sometimes comes to your rescue by chance? You never wondered why your subwoofers need a lot of power?

FWIW the best recording of the Stratocaster genius is only available on long deleted corporate copyright infringing vinyl, the CD reissues seem to be completely screwed. Sorry.

Originally posted by Paul Ranson

FWIW the best recording of the Stratocaster genius is only available on long deleted corporate copyright infringing vinyl, the CD reissues seem to be completely screwed. Sorry.


Paul, We agree there for sure. certain recordings just are so much better on Vinyl, without question :)
Since every hifi component is just a big set of compromises, surely "synergy" is just a given pair (or more) of components whose compromises suit each other in the eyes (ears) of the beholder...? It doesn't seem mysterious to me that a pair of hifi components might compliment each other sonically, nor does it seem possible to produce "perfect" hifi components free from compromises. Therefore it seems to me that it would be advisable to look for components that work well together.

Therefore, this is a good idea for a thread. :)

As for me, I like how Meridian CD players and ATC active speakers sound together.

Dunkyboy - eminently sensible and straightforward posts like this are really not allowable in hifi "discussions"...go to the back of the class :D.

I really don't see what Mr Ranson's problem is with getting this point, but he does seem to be in hyper-hair-splitting argumentative mode at the moment (and not for the first time).
On the main subject, I have been more than impressed by what the entry level Audio research amps manage to do with Sonus Faber standmounts.

And I have also found that Kef speakers and skips have a certain synergy.
Whooooaaaaaa, steady Mr B that's only on a flying visit from Sigma major, it's the new Micro stealth 3000 from ultra dynamics, goes 30 Light years without a refuel, also sports, instant miniturisation upon exit, an advanced cloaking device for 'arwark moments' :D and features the lastest adaptive regenerating shields, I've also been told, it's sports a 'De hifing beam 'that neturalises M/f's & M/L @ 3Km, cool looking runabout too :)
I like Bryston and Krell with Sonus Faber, didn't like them with AR, Rotel, Plinius or TAG..
Chord Electronics amps partnered with Wilson Benesch speakers have always worked well.

Wouldn't know about the new ACT, but Doug Brady historically sold a lot of systems based on these amps and the ACT 1/ACT2 speaker combination.

i like, naim with naim and naim and naim and naim and naim and b&w :D with a spattering of limit, yamaha and mission for ht purposes.

You should hear Julians system Reg.

Not hard or harsh at all. The B&Ws have really tamed the sound in a very nice way.

One of those synergy things?

....back to the soldering iron, no rest for the wicked etc
Originally posted by bottleneck
You should hear Julians system Reg.

Not hard or harsh at all. The B&Ws have really tamed the sound in a very nice way.

One of those synergy things?
I'd definitely second that, it's not the stereotype you might think it is if you haven't actually heard it with your own ears. :MILD:
The better B&Ws - above the 600 series do work rather well with Naim kit. I rate the CDM7 SEs and NTs and the CDM9 NTs as I've heard them with Naim kit.

Give those Kevlar drivers a bit of a kick up the arse and they'll more than sing for their supper.

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