I find it hard to accept that you find the rega gear tame on anything that wants to be energetic, and are thinking of moving to valves. I am not saying that all valves amps are more laid back that the Rega's, but most that I have heard are. I would think about looking at one end of your system or the other at the moment, at least at the demo stage. Try something from say Neat at the speaker end, and see if that brings more life. If it is really texture thing that you are looking for then how about something like the Sugden class A integrated A21 or A21SE depending on you budget, they excel in texture, and to me inhabit a one off world as far as amps go, not SS like, but not valve like, but they have a sound you seem to hear into, and through. ________ [URL="http://www.girlcamfriend.com/cam/Bernadette/"]Bernadette[/URL]