Tact room correction?

penance said:
wrong again;)

I watch TV to see the news, thats about it. So TV sound quality really is not a priority.
I prefer to have a dedicated 2ch system instead of a sonic compromise.
TV is a drug for people with not much imagination;)

You are right if you refer to the main channels with its soaps and other rubish, but, because I have very good sound from cabletv, I watch/listen to Mezzo and others most of the time, instead of playing CDs or DVDs...

Discovery, movies, Fashion TV, etc, all are very interesting to watch too, and play good music often, particularly the last one... ;)
penance said:
I watch TV to see the news, thats about it. So TV sound quality really is not a priority.
I prefer to have a dedicated 2ch system instead of a sonic compromise.
TV is a drug for people with not much imagination;)
Perhaps a little harsh there.

Other than the news and current affairs, I enjoy movies (with Mrs. 7V who generally dislikes TV), wild life programmes, science stuff, football and some drama & comedy. Yes, it's a drug and I'm happy to pay my dealer the annual licence fee.

Incidentally, call me sad but I get a real kick from hearing the intro music for the news through the hi-fi.
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penance said:
TV is a drug for people with not much imagination;)

Unfortunately the people with no imagination are those that commission the current crop of crap TV.

But I'm working on it ;) .
Last night I watched "Lord of the rings I" again, with miss rider of course, great sound, beautifull music, really keeps you on the edge of your seat, even with a small 32" TV, as long as the sound is done right, and the distorted bass, fantastic... :MILD:
The first one is great, I bought the DVD, the second just fighting, have not watched the third yet...
lowrider said:
Nor your AA Capitole 11 nor the Wadia will play movies properly, or the new formats... :p

Tose of us interested in the music Antonio don't care to be honest - we can but a Pioneer for £120 that will be perfectly adequate.

I will say it again, in nearly all cases, if you prefer the sound of your Cd's synthesised into multichannel, then there is something seriously wrong with your two channel performance.

So this thread started out questioning just what Digital Room Correction could bring to a music system, and ends up discussing the merits ( :D ) of an AV system for music listening.

Only someone as single minded as you could manage that :rolleyes: I don't remember pushing my particular choice of music maker quite to the same degree, so your comment about forcing my ideas on people is really rather amusing IMO - as always with you :D
Could you explain the difference betweenTact and the latest Accuphase "Voicing EQ" (DG 38 or something)? It's a serious question, not a wind up BTW.
I find it hard to imagine anyone defending the merits of MPEG2 encoded video streams, whatever the hardware; it's not very good you know. Personally I prefer Digi Betacam or Super 16mm (which are so far beyond the capabilities of MPEG2 it's a joke). This possibly could be a windup - although it's true IME.
merlin said:
I will say it again, in nearly all cases, if you prefer the sound of your Cd's synthesised into multichannel, then there is something seriously wrong with your two channel performance.

FWIW (and I've said it before) I think Antonio's system sounds very good in stereo. It would put many dedicated stereo systems to shame. FYI, for CDs I prefer it in stereo than DPLII ;)

I really don't know why you're so keen to make baseless assumptions (since you haven't heard the system, that's what they are) about the sound of Antonio's system. It's completely absurd to knock it just because it's an "AV" system. When you're listening to it stereo (with subs) it comprises:

- CD transport
- high quality 2 channel DAC/pre
- active X-over
- high quality PWM amplification
- very high quality speakers and subs.

If someone built a purely stereo system of the above components you'd have a completely different view of it which is utterly ridiculous.

joel said:
Could you explain the difference betweenTact and the latest Accuphase "Voicing EQ" (DG 38 or something)?

The Accuphase is simplest to describe: It measures steady-state in-room frequency response and equalizes it to your target curve, using band-by-band EQ with bands of 1/6 octave width. A satisfactory result will involve a target curve that slopes down in the topp end. The Tac T unit measures response according to a time-window that changes with frequency. In the bass, the window is almost on second, enabling very high resolution bass correction. The window shrinks with increasing frequency to 20 millseconds in the highs. This ties in with our hearing. In between, a weighted average of windows of different sizes is used, so that early arrival is emphasized, but later arrivals count, too.

The shorter time -window in the top end emphasizes the direct arrival. Therefore reflections and absorbtion have less of an effect on the perceived high frequency response once corrected.

The difference involves the choices of " time-windows " and frequency resolution. The TacT does narrow-band correction in the bass (with a necessarily large time-window) and produces a smooth steady-state bass response. The Accuphase does 1/6 octave steady-state correction with target curve, but it does not do time-domain or time-windowed analysis.
very high quality speakers and subs.

Having been re-acquainted with Merlins subs again this week, it becomes more obvious that to refer to Rel Stratas as very high quality is stretching things a little. Good VFM with reasonable performance yes but very high quality? Ahem, no.

As I have said before, when one hears true high quality, it all becomes clear.
michaelab said:
I really don't know why you're so keen to make baseless assumptions about the sound of Antonio's system. It's completely absurd to knock it just because it's an "AV" system. When you're listening to it stereo (with subs) it comprises:

- CD transport
- high quality 2 channel DAC/pre
- active X-over
- high quality PWM amplification
- very high quality speakers and subs.

If someone built a purely stereo system of the above components you'd have a completely different view of it which is utterly ridiculous.


In my mind Michael, the weak links are the Krell (which I have heard on a number of occasions and even it's most ardent retailers would say it was compromised in 2 channel compared with a mid range pre/dac, and the Rel subs which I'm afraid I have also owned (along with their better brothers) and find wholly unsatisfactory.

No I have not heard it, although I have heard all of it's components. You have not exactly been glowing about it's performance when asked before, claiming you clearly prefer the performance of your own setup. I'm sure it is good, what I suspect generates the flack is Antonio's consistent position that it is the equal of a similarly priced two channel setup and his ardent defence of every item he has purchased. If you look at his response to the initial mention of Velodyne's DD series subs (which had no reference to anything to do with his kit) his position was laughable. How can you have an opinion on any component you have never heard?

So he only brought it on himself, and I might add, I feel it is reasonably good natured ;)
merlin said:
I'm sure it is good, what I suspect generates the flack is Antonio's consistent position that it is the equal of a similarly priced two channel setup and his ardent defence of every item he has purchased. If you look at his response to the initial mention of Velodyne's DD series subs (which had no reference to anything to do with his kit) his position was laughable. How can you have an opinion on any component you have never heard?


At least try to conceal your lies a bit... I always said an equivalent stereo is cheaper than AV, get a life... :p

I keep reading bad things about Velodynes for music, so what... :confused:

As for RELs, only the born again spec nuts say bad things about them... :rolleyes:

I give up, you win :D

You are of course right again and I am sure the rest of the forum is getting rather tired of our disagreements appearing on just about every thread.

I look forward to one day hearing your mighty setup and getting some idea of the direction to take ;)

I like you my friend, but as a Portuguese man of war I cannot loose any argument... :p

My setup is not mighty, nor otherwise, but it does play music well, regardless of what you and I say... :MILD:
By the way, the guy from the magazine just left, his last words where:

Can I bring the editor here later, he didnt come because all the other AVs we reviewed had big screens and lousy sound, but he might want to hear yours... :MILD:
lowrider said:
By the way, the guy from the magazine just left, his last words were:
My God, Antonio. Don't say that your system killed the poor guy. :D

But really, well done. It's great to get an affirmation from a magazine, particularly as you know that the man has heard plenty of other systems in his professional capacity.

Disclaimer: The above comments do not imply that the poster holds the opinions of magazine reviewers to be more worthy in any way than those of our esteemed forum members.

The poster reserves the right to intensely dislike the system discussed, at a later date, should it prove desirable to do so for sonic, commercial or political reasons.
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7_V said:
Disclaimer: The above comments do not imply that the poster holds the opinions of magazine reviewers to be more worthy in any way than those of our esteemed forum members.

The poster reserves the right to intensely dislike the system discussed, at a later date, should it prove desirable to do so for sonic, commercial or political reasons.

Sheer Class :D :ffrc:

Well Done Antonio :)

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