Well, I too will be sad to see TAG go. Audiolab was bought out just after I'd bought the 8000CD, and after receiving a glossy mailing from the new owners, full of hype and F1 references, I vowed (like many others) to have nothing to do with them.
Times change. The very fact that many others did indeed feel the same way meant that dealers began to pull out, and expensive TAG products started appearing at sell-off prices. That's how I got my PA10 / 60P combination - new and at less than half price.
That was 3 or so years ago. As TAG went more and more AV and upmarket, there were more plain vanilla stereo bargains to be had, either direct from TAG or through yet more dealers who were pulling out, especially last summer. That's when I added the DAC20, another 60P and upgraded the pre-amp to the 20R.
So for someone who started out vowing to have nothing to do with the flash guys at TAG, I've ended up with an entirely TAG based system, but mostly at TAG's expense.
I must say, to me it all sounds very good!
It'll be interesting to see what the new owners do with their purchase. It seems from the website that warranties and service are assured, although the footnote might lead one to assume that the name didn't go with the sale.