Taking the P***

garyi said:
Well instead of bitching about other peoples attempts why not show some of our own?

Fair enough :)


As for being critical of your own art - too damn right! For one thing, her right hand is a bit stuffed on the little finger, and the bottom one's shadowing is goofy (almost looks like 5 fingers and 1 thumb). Then there's the crudeness of some of the lighter shading. I *am* happy with the hair and the dress material though :)

But yeah, critical of it, that's why the original of this has gone missing and I'm stuck with a poor laser copy - the thing was in storage, borrowed by my mum so a mate of mine could have a copy, and then the original came back to me and is now gone for good :( At least my mate has the best copy:

Soz to blow my own trumpet - but was dead chuffed SOMEONE wanted my art on their wall :)

I'd show you my biro art but the A Level final piece is only 1/5 finished - and THAT took 25 hours!

As for the original "art" that started the whole ball rolling - I think it's got a certain energy about it. FAR TOO MUCH art is picked at and fiddled with until all the dynamic energy that makes it appealing has been lost; at least that acrylic picture, while rough, has a real life about it - you can see it in the bold strokes. I like that. Impressionist art's the best, but this isn't so bad....
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Thanks Jon, I get a horrid feeling as soon as I upload my images to these guys it becomes theirs but here we go!

Garys stuff all from scratch so feedback appreciated.



Wow, guys keep it up. Theres some great stuff coming up.

My father was a professional artist and art teacher, but unfortunately it doesnt run in the family! - so I cant put anything up.
Just a thought - SWMBA paints portraits and is happy to included much loved hi-fi in the picture with the sitter.
Your wife has genuine talent Tom, I am just learning computer skills. One day I hope to do what she does, you can tell her that.

(Although her subject matter leaves a lot to be desired ;) )
Issac, some stunning shots there.

Would you be prepared to offer up advice on camera settings? I have been using an E10 for some time now, but frankly stick with the 'P' setting. I am increasingly becoming disappointed with the shots because more often than not they are grainy.

I think this comes down to the fact I am trying to get challenging shots (such as sunsets) but am not going about it in the right way.

I firmly believe that its the eye which perceives a good shot, and I see many, but the results are always piss poor.

'Painting for the Anthurium' is stunning, I would imagine these paintings are a lot of money?
gary - graininess is a difficult one... several causes, and not all of them in our control, especially with digicams in low light. There's a fair few tutorials around on the web.

The paintings on the site are between high hundreds to several thousands of pounds.
garyi said:
Garys stuff all from scratch so feedback appreciated.

Love this one Gary - very subtle and groovy, and mildly trippy.

In fact, the other two remind me of some of the VJ stuff behind the Ozric Tentacles this weekend - have you considered doing animation?

I guess these are Photoshop images?
Hey Gary, that's a bit special - I like that a lot.

Auntie Ants is currently taking painting classes at the Uni here - she's been doing some nice stuff too, but more along abstract expressionist lines. Its funny though - she's been taking me round galleries and its not until you see some paintings in the flesh (so to speak) that you really get it. After visiting the Rothko room at the Tate its hard to understand the point of having a print of one. The shear impact of the real thing (the size and the texture) is such that a print is a ghost in comparison. I sat in that room and after about fiveminutes I swear they started to vibrate and I was completely straight too :MILD:
Thanks dom, it was basically an excuse to use the scanner I got at christmas, everything is scanned even the frame is a coffee coaster stretched out.

I am still working hard at the trippy images, its really an excuse to dabble in 3D and getting used to layers and how they interact. I am by no means any good so would be laughed at in the profession, a long way to go yet, but excellent fun along the way.
Uncle Ants said:
After visiting the Rothko room at the Tate its hard to understand the point of having a print of one. The shear impact of the real thing (the size and the texture) is such that a print is a ghost in comparison. I sat in that room and after about fiveminutes I swear they started to vibrate and I was completely straight too :MILD:
The Rothko room in the Tate is one of my all time favourite gallery rooms. It's almost a spiritual experience.

garyi said:
I am by no means any good so would be laughed at in the profession, a long way to go yet, but excellent fun along the way.

That's the main reason I didn't take art any further than A Level; I only got a D, but it was the average mark for our year (in a "normal" college) so I was chuffed considering I have around a third to a sixth of a normal person's sight on best case scenarios :) We could ALL have done much better, had it not been for a certain member of staff saying "You're all crap - you're all gonna fail". Not the way to chivvy up us South-western seaside dwelling bums!!! (I got a B at GCSE - not bad considering I forgot when the exam was, and had to do my preliminary work in about 1 hour!!!! - d'oh!).

So it was all done with layers then - it's worked a treat! I guess you've knocked out some of the colour ranges on the different layers so they can be "seen" through? I'm trying to learn Photoshop here at work, and am slowly "getting" it - much more complex than Paint Shop Pro :)

Guys - is it easy to find the Tate? I've been to the one in Liverpool, but have been meaning to check out the London one.
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domfjbrown said:
That's the main reason I didn't take art any further than A Level; I only got a D, but it was the average mark for our year (in a "normal" college) so I was chuffed considering I have around a third to a sixth of a normal person's sight on best case scenarios :) We could ALL have done much better, had it not been for a certain member of staff saying "You're all crap - you're all gonna fail". Not the way to chivvy up us South-western seaside dwelling bums!!!
What is it with Art tearchers. Are they deliberately trained to knock all creative talent out of their pupils. Same thing happened to my wife, me and my neighbour's (talented but wayeward) daughter.

If you want reactionary : Still some beautiful stuff.

Nice work Gary by the way. Let's see some more
domfjbrown said:
Guys - is it easy to find the Tate? I've been to the one in Liverpool, but have been meaning to check out the London one.

Tate Modern. Yes very easy. Its on the South Bank about half way between Blackfriars Bridge and Southwark Bridge - the Millenium Bridge foot bridge crosses the Thames right in front of it, can't miss it - its an old power station and has a huge chimney - nearest Tube is probably Blackfriars (and cross over at the Millenium Bridge). The old Tate Britain is also easy - its near the north end of Vauxhall Bridge - nearest tube Pimlico.

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