The dreaded belly

I've been walking just about every night for about an hour since my girlfriend has moved in (except for last week as I was ill with cold) and eating quite healthily...I don't expect to see results straight away but hopefully in a few months!

I don't need to lose much weight - but I do weigh about 14 stone...but I'm 6'1...
Chris - that only works on relatively flat terrain.... Around here you can get a cadence going and change down to maintain it but still be working like hell to climb a hill, even in low gear.
Chris, yes. I change gears to target staying within the heart rate zone. With undulating rides you still get periods of the rate dropping and also using the lowest gears, some climbs simply lift you straight into higher heart rates. I've ridden on a 42/52 for years but I've a feeling I really ought to change to a 39/53 for prcisely the point you're highlighting.

To clarify on the food, it's not so much resorting to junk as getting variety of good food whn you're late, tired, rushing, not in the frame of mind to put effort in etc. The mere mention of soup, chicken and other things wakes up parts of the memory which have gone to sleep. I really need to write down a list of alternatives and pin them inside kitchen cupboards. It's just that bit of inspiration sometimes which is required.
I walk for about 4hrs for work carrying up to 20kg at a time. This is fast walking with a lot of climbing up steps involved.
On top of that i'll be on my feet and walking about for another 4 or so hours.
Then there's probably a couple MOre hours walking about the house, taking the dog out etc...

I do some weights and press ups and sit ups.

I generally eat pretty good.

I still have a bit of a belly though.

A couple of points having just skimmed this thread. Nuts should be seen as a fat source MOre than a protein source.

If ordering whey, then I'd recommend (
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MO! said:
I walk for about 4hrs for work carrying up to 20kg at a time. This is fat walking with a lot of steps involved.

When I go out for a stroll it's fat walking too!
I'm sure the key is finding something you enjoy. I went mountain biking with some friends on Saturday and had an absolutely brilliant time at the Afan Forest centre near Swansea. Camped on the Gower then came back and went for a surf on Sunday evening. Both great exercise but enjoyment was the main benefit. Find stuff you like doing!

Great before and after shots Julian! Good work!
greg said:

Not tried, but I've had a look before. Both were recommended when trying to source vegie friendly whey.

Both stock unflavoured whey 80% concentrate.

Myprotein - 4.5kg = £31.95
Bulkpowders - 5kg = £24.99

Not sure how it works out after p+p from myprotein, but bulkpowders offer 24 and 48 hr shipping which are £4.99 and £6.49 depending on which you choose.

Mixes easy and tastes good.
This confused me on Sunday.

Being diabetic I just thought I'd check the impact of a gym session on my blood sugar. So before 9.6 (ok a bit high), after 12.7 !!

Any suggestions? Wondered if the execsize stimulated the body into over producing glucose. But not what I was expecting anyway

i'm guessing herre but iirc your body basicly stores glucose in your liver and distributes it to muscles via your blood stream excersise will increase demand for glucose / glycogen(?) so your blood sugar level will increase.
i'm not a medical doctor so i could be spouting arse though - perhaps bub could chime in and confim / deny / clarify as i'd be interested.
Thanks Julian, pretty much my thoughts too. In that case, I'll have to ask my doctor as to the precise benefit of exercise :D cos it seems to rather defeat the object!
MO! said:
Myprotein - 4.5kg = £31.95
Bulkpowders - 5kg = £24.99

Not sure how it works out after p+p from myprotein, but bulkpowders offer 24 and 48 hr shipping which are £4.99 and £6.49 depending on which you choose.

Mixes easy and tastes good.
Myprotein shipping is a flat 4.99 I think so the more you buy the cheaper per kilo, but 24.99 for 5 Kg is very good.

One thing I do like about Myprotein is the chance to mix your own blend, not sure if bulkpowders allow that. I tend to go for a blend with 5% L-Glutamine and 60% Veggie Whey 35% Casein. You can opt to add fine ground oats, flaxseed oil, allsorts.
julian2002 said:
it means you can stuff your face with cream buns without having to stab yourself. ;)


If only that were true :D
Joking aside I've got 2 months to get fitter for the new badminton season. Got a feeling I'm gonna have some tough matches coming up and I'm a looong way from being half as fit as I feel I need to be :(

Hmmm.... might be time to get a Zerogain badminton league going?

My play was a bit off tonight as I have a new racquet and not used to it yet. I suspect you'd thrash me anyway...

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