I started to have weight problems nearly 30 years ago. Before that I could eat 300 gr of chocolate and a lot of other sweets and I was still skinny. Ok at that time I did football, basketball and volleyball all competitvely.
When I started to stop these sports one after the other and started the university, my weight increased slowly but constantly.
At the age of 30 I was about 80 Kgs (I'm 1m 82cm). When I started to do dance competitions (up to international level) they always pointed out that I was too fat. I tried different diets but it always ended up with a yo-yo effect. So when I retired from dance competitions and started up with a family, that was about 8 years ago, I was about 86 Kgs. Since then I kept on putting on weight till about 4 weeks ago when I was about 98 kgs. Actually I was feeling great, I was walking to the railway station to my house and the same to the office. Every day I was walking about half an hour to three quarters of an hour. But since I was eating too much stuff, the walking didn't help me loosing weight. The thing which made me change my way of life wasn't that I was feeling bad but when I saw photos of me where you couldn't recognize the shoulders from the neck and the head I got scared and thought I was a big fat beast.
I decided to do more activity and eat less. I'm lucky enough to have a great
mountain) just 10 minutes walk from my house. So I decided to regularly walk up there. I had two options:
- from the third railway station up to the top (about 1150 meters level difference)
- from my home up to the top (about 1400 meters difference).
I started with the first option but I soon changed to the second. Up to this week I went on saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays (very early in the morning to be able to be at work before noon). Now my weight is down to 92 Kgs and next week I want to go up every day. Since now it takes me about two and an half hours to be up, I'm going to try from Monday on to walk up then half ways down and walk up from the other side again (about 2000 meters upwards in total). The weather forecast is great: 28-32 degrees.
One important thing is to give your body also enough stuff to be able to regenerate and to burn the fat instead of muscles.
L-Carnitin is certainly one of the most important elements our body needs. Then there are others like magnesium, calcium and leucin.
Next weekend Ian and Lee will be here so I don't really know what to do then. I know Lee will love to have a walk up, since he already done it once but I really cannot immagine what Ian will decide.
I would like to show you some pictures of the walk.

Just out of my door..

After a few meters the view of the final destination..

after a few hundred meters the town where the train leaves.

..under the chery trees..

five minutes later entering the town...

at the main crossing (beware of the trafic!). Above is the train station

the train is already waiting...

View from the third station.
follow in the next posting..