[QUOTE=3DSonics] It begins with the way CD's and DVD's are read and the error correction ivvolved. Unlike an LP which will distort or skip if ANY sufficiently large error is present, the Players use electronics to "guess" what should have been in the damaged section. Depending how the mechaniscs are designed, how well the transport manages mechanical resonances and so on - the accuracy of the datastream containing the zero's and ones will vary and more or less parts of the signal will be interpolated from adjecent samples. This is very audible. [/QUOTE] We had a lengthy discussion about this in a long thread some time ago which concluded pretty definitively that error correction considerations aren't remotely relevant to sound quality - or at least, that was the inescapable conclusion you had to reach if you actually took the available evidence into consideration, rather than just making arbitrary [i]a priori[/i] assertions. If you've got anything to add concerning uncorrectable error rates and interpolation that challenges that view, I'd certainly be very interested to hear it (am always up for learning new things :) ).