Isaac Sibson said:Maybe so, but I still feel that no one would use it... I2S outputs aren't exactly commonplace.
That thread someone else started and that Michael kindly contributed to, more than doubled the membership, of this new group for M-Audio Super DAC 2496 atmichaelab said:....... you might want to mention BlueMax's little Yahoo group about the SuperDAC - that went down like a house on fire
Yes as minimum spec. But one more coax will help if cost or design restrictions don't get in the way.Isaac Sibson said:How many? My current thinking is 1 AES/EBU, 2 coax, 1 TOSlink.
wadia-miester said:Nah, he's not getting of the hook that easy, and we want hard wired circuit boards to, using premium wanky wire and a minimum of 8 layers.
Isaac Sibson said:Different implementations of a DAC chip may sound very different indeed. A Marantz CD85 does not sound like a Naim CD1 does not sound like an Arcam Alpha 5 does not sound like a rotel RCD-955. They all use the same Philips TDA1541 DAC chip though.
hifikrazy said:mmmm, double crown......