The old stuff ain't that bad

Originally posted by adam
I've put on E-bay a Creek 4040,nothing to look at,but does this little amp sound good,very charming and musical,no shrillness,just natural and good sounding, that will see of today budget bred,so someones going to get a bargin.

I had the Creek 4040, which was part of my first 'real' hi-fi (partnered with Tannoy M15s and Acoustic Research EB101 turntable), and I agree it was, and probably still is a real cracker.

I 'upgraded' to an Arcam Alpha amp, and although there was so much more detail out of the Arcam, it never touched the Creek on musicality.

I have a dead cd104 at home, whats the most likely reason for it not working?

Dry solder joints was a major problem on the CD104. The transports on these early machines are among the best that Phillips ever made, they may wear in time, but rarely give trouble.

Originally posted by Paul Dimaline
Dry solder joints was a major problem on the CD104. The transports on these early machines are among the best that Phillips ever made, they may wear in time, but rarely give trouble.


It switches on fine, just wont spin a CD, makes a funny swishing kindoff noise:confused:

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