The pet hate thread

Umbrellas - or more to the point the inconsiderate users of umbrellas who's only mission in life is to try and rip my eyes out while I walk to and from work.
Traffic Jams :Being stuck on the A404 between Marlow and High Wycombe for an hour and a half due to the M40 being closed :mad:

Dogs : When we finally got to our destination I was in a car park and had a rear door open whilst getting something. A dog which had come back from a walk in the woods with mud everywhere decides to jump in the car and walk over the back seat leaving a dreadful mess and scratching the leather seats with its paws :mad:

Dog Owners : Upon telling the owner of said dog what had happened and suggesting that it should be under better control, the owner replied that she was perfectly capable of looking after her own dog and how dare we suggest otherwise. Stupid bint :mad:

There. I feel better now.
Robbo said:
Dog Owners : Upon telling the owner of said dog what had happened and suggesting that it should be under better control, the owner replied that she was perfectly capable of looking after her own dog and how dare we suggest otherwise. Stupid bint :mad:

If that was MOre specifically irresponsible dog/pet owners, then I'd go with that.

On my way to work last night, a couple of little dogs decided to jump their garden fence and bark their heads off and try attacking my ankles whenever I took a step. If the dogs are like that then the owner should surely make sure they can't get out.
robbo, i hope you asked for compensation from the idiotic twunt. scratched leather is no joke.

mo, if the dog is small i find treating it like a football is the most apropriate action. those small yappy things up to the size of a jack russel, if booted just right can fly considerable distances. alternatively just step on the little shites.

SCIDB said:

My main pet hate is people driving into & damaging my car. :mad:


As of 4.40pm today, this is true, yet again! :mad:

Does anyone have a tank for sale?

that's terrible - i suggest you go for something like a volvo (although they are a bit wussy nowadays) or a land rover defender with bull bars and that aluminium checker plate all over it. not as nippy as the seat but it's the closest thing to a tank that's sensible and you can repair the bodywork with a lump hammer.

Will summed up my only real pet hate - mothers in large 4x4's.

Something should be done IMO.Maybe a tax for using these during the rush hour. Failing that, at least ban vanity mirrors from the interior on safety grounds. Additionally all working men should be given government grants to purchase Ford F150's to scare the crap out of them!

Traffic wardens should be employed outside of secondary schools bordering main road intersections during the school run with instructions to make them pay big time and be offensive.

Children arriving at school in anything other than public transport or by bicycle should be refused school dinners (or forced to eat five of them depending on the culinary skills of the institution in question).

ban them now!

My only other pet hate is the 46% of dumb Americans who will vote George W back into the White House.
julian2002 said:
that's terrible - i suggest you go for something like a volvo (although they are a bit wussy nowadays) or a land rover defender with bull bars and that aluminium checker plate all over it. not as nippy as the seat but it's the closest thing to a tank that's sensible and you can repair the bodywork with a lump hammer.


or just get a hummer :)

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