lhatkins said:
At least there is no chance of US as in Vegetarians getting BSE/CJD, how ya like that.
There's been at least one veggie who's dies of CJD...
2 words:
Blood Transfusion!
Anyway, what I hate most:
Wilful Ignorance
And big supermarkets.. Doesn't everyone realise they're being ripped off, having been conned with 1 or 2 loss leaders?
And now I've got going:
folks in flash cars who go really slowly on corners, then speed up so you can't overtake on the straight (not a problem on the bike of course)
Most French wine (all that "fruity" Burgundy/Beaujolais nonsense, why can't they just take the lead of Languedoc?)
Power Rangers (i.e. blokes in leathers matching their mosickle - usually in the colours of pavement pizza.. The sort of biker who wouldn't wave to any other biker, or stop to help a broken down bike..)
Battery chicken farming
Miserable folks with no sense of humour
London (lived there for long enough to qualify for active hatred)
Folks who don't find farts funny
Doctors (and hospitals in general - they're only there for the good of those that work there!)
Phil Collins
Mariah Carey
Celine Dion
Celebrities in general
And finally, before I go and lie down:
Mosickles with more than 3, and less than 5 cylinders. With plastic all over them. That all look the same.