The pet hate thread

OK, I sort of understand it now, but I have another pet hate to add:-

Waking up in the morning to find the corpses of about 48 out of 50 (approx) of your fish lying on the bottom of the tank :mad:
PBirkett said:
OK, I sort of understand it now, but I have another pet hate to add:-

Waking up in the morning to find the corpses of about 48 out of 50 (approx) of your fish lying on the bottom of the tank :mad:

Left- or right-wingedness would regretfully make no difference here.
My summary would be: left-wing means you care about other people, right-wing means you only care about yourself.
One of my pet hates is lefties who believe they have a monopoly on 'caring' and that 'caring' somehow is sufficient.
Another is left wing governments who tax the working classes to fund large bureaucracies of dirigistes earning above average wages.
And I really hate the old lefties who still professes affection for the USSR.

done Michael :)

I find I have leanings to both camps, I can see the advantages of the free market, yet still wish for more equality, and really hate the effect capitalism has on people when profit rules.
I don't know the answer. I certainly don't like tory right wingism, in terms of 'me and only me' stuff you mate ,sort of thing.
I have been on the recieving end of 'yes men' who do you in to get up the ladder, and they are the lowest of the low.

If you gave everyone £1million, we woudln't get our bread and milk or bags loaded onto the aeroplanes, as everyone would be drinking champagne by their swimming pools, so for a functioning society, we need people to do menial tasks.

Scrap the monarchy tho' they are just parasites, IMO.
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Hi Ian (data),

If you gave everyone £1million, we woudln't get our bread and milk or bags loaded onto the aeroplanes, as everyone would be drinking champagne by their swimming pools, so for a functioning society, we need people to do menial tasks.

I don't fully agree with this. There are a number of lottery winners who have changed very little since winning over a £1million. There are a number of people who are happy with their lives & work. A number of people have made their money doing menial tasks. True there are some people who go for the champagne life style but some of these people end up flat on their faces.

And generally, the lottery winners who've not changed much since winning their millions (same house, same job etc.) are the happiest, probably because they were pretty happy to start with and the money has just given them added security.

The people who've blown it all on flash cars and big houses are generally no happier than they were before.

I don't think we can generalise about how money would change people, but if everyone was a miilionaire, then surely a million wouldn't mean anything.
Paul Ranson said:
One of my pet hates is lefties who believe they have a monopoly on 'caring' and that 'caring' somehow is sufficient.
Another is left wing governments who tax the working classes to fund large bureaucracies of dirigistes earning above average wages.
And I really hate the old lefties who still professes affection for the USSR.


:lol: Have to say I agree with you Paul, though it seems funny, Michael didn't want to get into arguments over politics, then says something that infers anyone with a right wing viewpoint on things is about fuelling a fire ;) though I expect everyone here is mature enough to not get too wound up over such comments anyway :)

Anyway I wrote a big spiel last night that was trying to explain the left/right wing thing to Paul, I'd just finished and I clicked post, and bugger all happened other than it timed out, so to the pet hates we must add: downtime for websites we're eager to use :grrr:.

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Will said:
:lol: Have to say I agree with you Paul, though it seems funny, Michael didn't want to get into arguments over politics, then says something that infers anyone with a right wing viewpoint on things is about fuelling a fire ;) though I expect everyone here is mature enough to not get too[/] wound up over such comments anyway :)


To be fair Will, Michaels comments were in reponse to a question raised.

But if some people can get so exercized over cables and equipment supports, I hat eto think what could happen if the political cna of worms was opened :D
badchamp said:
To be fair Will, Michaels comments were in reponse to a question raised.

But if some people can get so exercized over cables and equipment supports, I hat eto think what could happen if the political cna of worms was opened :D

True, True :)
lhatkins said:
At least there is no chance of US as in Vegetarians getting BSE/CJD, how ya like that.
There's been at least one veggie who's dies of CJD...
2 words:
Blood Transfusion!

Anyway, what I hate most:
Wilful Ignorance

And big supermarkets.. Doesn't everyone realise they're being ripped off, having been conned with 1 or 2 loss leaders?

And now I've got going:
folks in flash cars who go really slowly on corners, then speed up so you can't overtake on the straight (not a problem on the bike of course)
Most French wine (all that "fruity" Burgundy/Beaujolais nonsense, why can't they just take the lead of Languedoc?)
Power Rangers (i.e. blokes in leathers matching their mosickle - usually in the colours of pavement pizza.. The sort of biker who wouldn't wave to any other biker, or stop to help a broken down bike..)
Battery chicken farming
Miserable folks with no sense of humour
London (lived there for long enough to qualify for active hatred)
Folks who don't find farts funny
Doctors (and hospitals in general - they're only there for the good of those that work there!)
Phil Collins
Mariah Carey
Celine Dion
Celebrities in general

And finally, before I go and lie down:
Mosickles with more than 3, and less than 5 cylinders. With plastic all over them. That all look the same.
drivers who slow down by 15 or so mph when oncomming traffic appears on a perfectly good 2 lane road.
drivers who go from 55 to 30 mph going past truvelo's and gatso's on national speed limit (60mph) roads.
drivers who do 30 or more mph through villages when it's school chucking out time.
drivers who overtake you and then slow down to less than you were going.
drivers who don;t realise that gravity makes them go slower on hills.

"personal" stereos
people who smoke where there are 'no smoking' signs in front of their faces
smoky pubs with music too loud to talk.

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