Generically, the F/FF and VMS 'should' work in the same bodies I think, one way if not the other. The M20E Super and M20FL Super had a slightly different working (if I remember, the little magnet was in the body rather than the stylus assembly) so won't be compatible.
I have a 'new' M20FL Super, a well used M20E Super stylus and also a VMS30. The VMS 20 and 30 both have a 'plump warmth' of tone in the bass and a low mass arm is essential to 'control' it. The M20FL was far lower compliance and loves massier arms. Bass can have a 'thumpy' quality though, so take care with arm matching.
As for the M20E Super, I love it and one day, I hope to have a new stylus for it. Like the two VMS's mentioned above, it's a 1.2g tracker and highly compliant, but bass is nice and the mid very natural in the way of a vintage ADC XLM/Phase IV. Ortofon diamonds on these 'upper' models are superbly ground and polished I think.