None are a good as this one ;) [URL][/URL]
hey! a bit of woodstain, a pseudo continental name and a velvet lined presentation box chuck it on ebay for £500. some tw*t would buy it guaranteed
That's a nice one - makes a change from the norm. Here's a few that caught my eye. Audio Craft AC4400. On a tasty Verdier. Beautiful. Brinkmann 10.5 (OK so it's a Breuer at heart but the engineering is superb) Vpi JWM-10.5 - Another 10.5 - who would have thought it! Actually I've used these and they are way under rated unipivots IMO. The Curvy Ikedas - another candidate for the ultimate Verdier package. And the rather fetching new Ortofons - the return of the detachable head shell.
I have heard one of the Ikeda arms on several occasions at GT Audio, nicely made an sounded ok, and Thomas used one of the new Ortofon arms in Munich again it sounded very good for a reasonably priced component.
One of the most impressive turntables I've ever heard was the Morsiani with this 12" arm. Full picture The turntable was superbly quiet, calm & stable sounding. pictured here with his 1.9 arm.
Hi Murray, When/where did you hear the Morsiani? I placed an order for a CM1 about 18 months ago but haven't heard from Carlo since (!) - do you know if he's still making tonearms etc? Tried several times to contact him via e-mail but no response. Also 47 labs RS-A1:
You missing this... Disclaimer: I dont even have a turntable, but this looks somehow original...
I heard it & met him at probably the last High End show held in Frankfurt in an 'Audio Consulting' room. Odd speakers but you could easily tell the turntable was quite special.
Thanks Murray. Will try again from a different e-mail address. How much do the turntables go for, by the way?
In which case I'm impressed because it sounded better to my ears that the Raven AC with the more expensive arm and cart.