Lowrider said
It is also common that people that cannot afford it, or have other priorities, say that expensive stuff is not worth it...
Heh, so true, so true, and perhaps as middle age continues to take it's toll, I am rapidly becoming one of those reluctantly departing the idealism of youth and finding myself confronting the increasing responsibility curve of 'other priorities'
Personally, I've met more than my share of folks who buy rock bottom, for whatever reason, and then try to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear by declaring loudly to all that would listen, that their budget boom-box is the equal of anything considerably more expensive. I hope I don't come across as 'one of those'.. :MILD:
On the other hand, I've also met more than enough folks who have bought high-end gear/cars etc, some of whom have the experience to appreciate it's performance, and as many or more who have bought because of reputation or image, and have the money to indulge their whims, whilst seemingly not really apreciating what they have - particularly with cars IMHO.
Of course, they also loudly announce to the world, how wonderful their latest piece of kit/car etc is, and how superior to 'lesser' items it is, (usually because it costs so much more, and has the prerequisite image) however when questioned in depth, many such 'prestige' buyers reveal they have little real objective reason or indepth knowledge to back up their choices apart from the aforementioned image/reputation and prestige. So many appear to lack true knowledge, simply having the funds to purchase what they regard, or are informed by others as to being 'the best' And IMHO that's the other extreme from the 'bottom feeder' 'bargain' buyer.
Of course I'm generalising, but I've met quite a few people who would fit into those somewhat polarised extremes unfortunately.
Between that lot comes, IMHO, the true enthusiast, who appreciates quality, and is prepared to pay for differences where they exist and enhance the enjoyment of music in the home, and that 'preparedness' comes from truly appreciating the kit and what it offers.
I've no doubt, if I didn't have to make the compromises I do in life these days, as regards overall quality of life and other such sensible issues, and could have a balanced life, PLUS own the very high end amps and hifi kit etc, I'd do so like a shot.
Heh, so perhaps there's a bit of 'hard cheddar' there from my point of view, however I still do think though, that the gap between the high end mainstream, and the true specialist is much narrower than it used to be a few years ago, and these days never more than in the HT arena IMHO.
Of course the price difference makes it even more appealing - still I must try not to abandon my idealism and become a cheapskate I guess....