Transparent cables made...err...transparent

I had to recently replace my headphone cable as they replacement Senhieser (I had from my old phones) broke . The cheapest Senhieser cable was £20, so I went to Maplin bought a cheap £3 cable and 50p adapter. It works fine and my Philips are back in action. Sound quality wise I cannot tell any difference whats so ever between the Maplin £3.50 product to the £20 Senhieser cable which is even thiner.

to be fair, I think they are referring to the more expensive cables here, which much like MIT/Spectral are somewhat less of a "one size fits all" solution than either the Musicwave or the Isolda (remember they cost roughly the same)

I'm not supporting Transparent, I don't happen to like their cables (or their prices!). I'm just pointing out that impedence matching between specific components is somewhat different and no doubt a lot more labour intensive than your post suggested.
Hi just got back from my holiday. Great to see nothing have change here. Amazing how some of you just wouldn't admit you have been con all along. I guess it takes a greater effort for some to say they are have silly enough to fall for pseudo high tech sales pitch in the past.
Bell wire, that's what you need. It's not only much cheaper, but also much thinner - so it's easier to hide under carpets etc.


merlin said:

to be fair, I think they are referring to the more expensive cables here, which much like MIT/Spectral are somewhat less of a "one size fits all" solution than either the Musicwave or the Isolda (remember they cost roughly the same)

I'm not supporting Transparent, I don't happen to like their cables (or their prices!). I'm just pointing out that impedence matching between specific components is somewhat different and no doubt a lot more labour intensive than your post suggested.

Ah, I've just seen this post.:D I agree 100% with Merlin's comments. Many of the Transparent cables are price competitive with many other cable brands out there with the exception of their Opus MM cables (see web link) which are stratospherically priced. But then this compares well with the top ranges from Siltech etc so they are not alone on top of the price tree. People either like what Transparent cables do (especially their XLRs) or they don't but price should not be the reason to shoot down the brand as other brands are just as expensive so that is a moot point. In fact speaking of price, if you are someone who likes upgrading cables and like the Transparent sound, then you will find that Transparent offers better value compared to other brands as depreciation no longer matters. As long as you are upgrading to a cable higher in the range than your existing one (whether bought new or second hand from an authorised Transparent dealer and regardless of how long you've owned it and is in good condition) you get 100% trade-in (yes, 100% trade-in) on your old cables. This scheme set-up by Transparent through all their dealers internationally, has been running for years. This is not something that Kimber, Nordost etc do is it? Now, given the rate of depreciation on cables which is competing head-on with gravity,;) one could argue that Transparent offers the better value than the likes of Kimber and equivalent price competitors i.e. if you like what they do in your system.

Speaking of the Transparent Opus MM speaker cables, here is a practical application of them - hooked up to the Wilson Audio X-2 Alexandria speakers costing a cool USD 125,000 For a closer look at the cables, how about this: Michael - don't you just love those carbon fibre pods? I wonder what's in them?:D Btw, the cables feature in someone's personal system and you can read the full review of the Wilson speakers here:

P.S. A little known fact is that my amplifier is wired internally, from front to back, with Transparent wire hence my defence of the brand as I feel that the sound of my system is now being questioned.:D :D :D

Enjoy the music,

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When I bought the Krell Showcase processor, the dealer sent me a set of Transparent balanced ICs, actually two from different price ranges, they sounded very dull...

He represents both, and I reckon he uses Transparent cables to tame Krell's brightness in order to please audiophiles, clever guy... ;)
Actually I like Krell + Bel Canto very much, more then TAG DP + Bryston, but Krell + Bryston could be agressive with some CDs...

By the way, I use Apogee balanced ICs, nice and cheap too...
Lawrie said:
given the rate of depreciation on cables which is competing head-on with gravity,;) one could argue that Transparent offers the better value

Agree !00%, yes they are expensive and overpriced for a bit of cable
BUT to my ears in my setup they work well
I,ve been through most of the transparent cables up to Ultra XL and never lost a penny on any of them when trading up,not many cables you can say that about..........
offering 100% trade in kind of prooves that they are cheap dosn't it?
lowrider said:
When I bought the Krell Showcase processor, the dealer sent me a set of Transparent balanced ICs, actually two from different price ranges, they sounded very dull...


Is it possible that the Transparent cables were merely revealing the true sound quality of your overall system which was dull sounding to begin with?;)

Enjoy the music,

Lawrie said:
Is it possible that the Transparent cables were merely revealing the true sound quality of your overall system which was dull sounding to begin with?;)

I will never know for sure will I... :confused:

But I will stick with the sound I like, thanks... :p
garyi said:
offering 100% trade in kind of prooves that they are cheap dosn't it?

Yes, Gary!

It does prove that Transparent cables are comparatively cheap especially when you consider that the other cable brands don't offer 100% trade-in yet they cost around the same prices. Good observation there, Gary and one that I failed to point out..;)

Enjoy the music,

merlin, Antonio, I've deleted the silly argument you were having here. At least keep your arguments to the Rel Quake thread so that the rest of us don't have to put up with your childish bitching in every other thread :mad:

Any replies on this thread relating to this post and peripheral issues will be deleted.


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