Is that the turntable that uses squash balls as suspension!
The TNT includes squashballs in its suspension. Mind you, it probably is less susceptible to where it is sited than heavy, unsuspended TT's are as a result. That's not to say it doesn't have other issues.
I believe it used to use 'bladders' which left owners somewhat deflated! What are the other issues young Johnson?
Widespread use of acrylic in chassis, Solid acrylic platter. The way the suspension works. Having said that I haven't listened to a shiny new one like the one in the current Plush. It may have changed.
Buy a 2nd hand pt export and upgrade it to funk anniversary status. The funked lp12 doesnt even beat the Funk V let alone the upgraded export / anni
An Xerxes that hasn't drooped is a very good sugestion. I used one for a few years. Take the outer plinth off and you have a very good skeletal dec. Arthur (PT Arthur) demmed the Funk V with a rega and a cheap goldring. I was amazed at the sound.
Thank you for all the comments. I agree that only way to do this is to go out and listen but this debate can certainly help formulate some thoughts. Couple of things that have struck me; Very few comments on the TMS 1 Why would a Funk Firm Pink Export significantly outperform a Funk Firm LP12 - are the modifications not essentially the same? I am no expert so guidance would be appreciated here. What is the going rate these days for an Export in excellent condition? Nobody has commented on the AC v DC debate in relation to the Orbe but if the option is a S/H Orber then clearly this is a reasonable question. The Funk Vector recommends a Rega arm - any recommendations for a funked LP12 or Export in relation to arms? All comments will be appreciated but final question to Hi-Fi Adict - you say that the Funk Firm Vector V was seriously good. What do you mean by seriously good? Is it seriously good for a £750 turntable or is it seriously good period? Does it mix it with an Orbe, a Roksan or a VPI?
The funk Firm Funk V beats the Funked lp12 significantly so why bother upgrading an lp12 at all when the Funk V costs £750? The funked export has the anni and funk upgrades and is another league ahead still - its better than the funk V but its more expensive. Yes the mods are similar but its a much better deck to begin withThe funk V is better than the orbe or the xerxes. A second hand export or PT Too goes for about £500 and as the upgrade takes it to anni status anyway its cheaper than buying a 2nd hand anni and upgrading. Sme V? Origin live?
I am increasingly taken by your arguments in relation to the Funk V. Would it like an SME V or would that be overkill? Does the Funk V have an offboard power supply?
I would be a second hand export for £500 and then take all the funk upgrades - I think they are about £1300. For £1800 total this will give you a world class turntable. Then stick the sme V on that. The sme is too heavy for the funk V
i dint think the plinth can be cut for an sme rather than the sme being to heavy. i think and export or pt too upgraded to the funk anniversary would be as good as any current high end deck in terms of master tape style transparency.