Uncle Ants
In Recordeo Speramus
Originally posted by domfjbrown
Yep, you could take all the hardware off of the plinth, orbital sand it and then varnish it black couldn't you? Or get someone else to do it - it's a LOT cheaper than buying a new deck
Oh Yeah

Done wrong of course and it'll look like a pigs ear

Have no religious feelings one way or the other about LP12s soundwise. I like bits of kit and I like music but not so much I'd be rude to someone. Its the evangelism that gets to me - really guys - its not THAT important. The thread seems to have calmed down somewhat now. Good.
I know a lot of folk don't care about how their gear looks so long as it sounds the best (or they think it does ... no, no, lets not go there again

Don't get me wrong if it sounded like an old dansette but looked the bees I wouldn't go there. Good looks are just another requirements, not THE requirement. (Actually I shouldn't have said that - I do own an old Dansette as well, though I only use it when I want to amuse my niece and nephew and have a dance party in the back garden with a bunch of scratchy old sixties singles - but old dansettes do look kinda kewl in a very retro way)
Seriously though if you could get Linns in piano black I'd consider em, but the wooden plinth just makes em look like ye olde worlde seventies gramophone player. The uninitiated wouldn't know a Linn from an old SP25 (they don't look kewl, but retro in a very pipe and slippers sort of way), but show em something sexy like one of the new Roksans or something and they would immediately hail you as turntable god (or maybe a flash git).