turntable porn

thanks for that lord. it doesn't quite have the same... something, as some of the others. now we're getting back into the sensible, "buying for performance" as opposed to porn factor!!!
Bottleneck, regarding the picture of the Mentor, it is a middle to late one, i.e. without a chrome edged platter but with the motor round the back at 'half ten' instead of at 'half seven'. The screws and bolts are all Metric too unlike the very early decks which were very Imperial!
There was a Mentor Reference as well which was even heavier than my beast! The dust cover is a DIY affair, my local 'plastics shop' made the cover to my specification and I attached it to a free standing bit of wood. It would be good to see a pictue of your deck.

Blakeaudio, I know what you mean about the looks of the big and black Mentor, but personally I hate the look of any deck with masses of gold plate and/or acrylic! That Simon Yorke is a good looking deck but I'd take the Mentor over some of the glitzy looking stuff in similar threads to this!

Form follows function!

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my all acrylic deck

will beat your lump of fools gold any day........!loth x othello see through plastic luverrllly..! :rolleyes:
Most of the TT's so far don't do much for me, in terms of looks.

I still prefer my black plinth LP12.
Have a listen to Merlins VPI on your visit Blake.

Unless you have a huge stash of vinyl why go straight in with a mega buck TT?

If we are showing stuff, here is my little record spinner:


That shows pretty much the most recent configuration.

The Table is an Acoustic Solid "Solid One".

Armed and dangerous thanks to an OL Silver 250 Arm with Goldring Elite on the right, in front a Denon DL-103 (just "upgraded to a 103R after I managed to luch the cantilever) in non-improved (and thus much better) MK II SME 3009 and an Ortofon SPU-GTE (old one, not modern) in an RS-212 Special Arm.

Here a picture of the stand that goes with it:


That shows an older version of the system, the Tannoys are gone as is some other stuff.

Finally, the Phonostage to go with that is this:


This has three switchable inputs (for the three different arm/cartridge combos), Stevens & Billington TX-103 MC Stepup Transformers, Stevens & Billington 600 Ohm Inductive RIAA Modules and German Siemens E810F and D3a Valves.

The extrnal powersully has 8pcs 10H Chokes and 6pcs 120uF Film Capacitors for filtering and a power transformer from an old Mullard 5-10 Poweramp, plus 68,000uF and a choke for the heater supply filtering. Just a little bit overbuild, fills a complete 3 Units high 1/2 19" Case, very deep (and very heavy)....

Ciao T

blakeaudio said: just found this. also ties in with info on the "not affordable" anj IO cartridge referred to in the mc better thread.

Just one note, the common reviews and literature referrs to the IO-J as having an elliptical stylus, yet Kondo's own literature notes a 0.15 X 0.15 (um? - need to check my Kondo Catalog at home) stylus profile, in other words the same size into all directions....

Ciao T
Amazon for £950!
That's a bit of a good price for a very detailed and musical player...
But I'd also go for the Verdier over all of them, even the Nouvelle (especially at £2195 inc. Morch arm!)
Still, I think the Mrs will make me stick with this:

(though mine's the Revolution)
Now that you mention it Paul, it's obvious:D. Thanks.

Seriously though, does anyone know the make/price? I know I can't afford it, just curious.
Dev said:
Seriously though, does anyone know the make/price? I know I can't afford it, just curious.

Dunno. All I knows is I wouldn't want to have to keep it clean. Seriously that has to be siliest looking thing ever to spin a record.

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