Just posted a reply on the Pink Triangle thread I started in PFM - thought I'd copy/paste a bit of it in here as it sums up what I'm hearing just now.
To make a long story short, I took home a couple toys to play with over the weekend: Gram Amp 2 and 2SE, Project Phono Box SE, and a 2nd hand Sumiko Blue Point (not the special, but it's got an interesting modification whereby a solid chunk of aluminium is used to attach the mounting screws). Anyway, the Sumiko has proven to be the big revelation, and my suspicions that my Ortofon 520 was holding back the rest of the kit were entirely correct - the Sumiko is so much better it's not even funny! This is what I posted in PFM by way of progress report:
And god damn if that Sumiko doesn't sound goooooood! The Ortofon was REALLY holding things back! Soooo much clearer and more stable and sweeter and much more depth, and ooooooohhhhhh... As it is, with the Pink and the Sumiko into the Gram Amp 2SE things just sound luuuuuverly! Sooo much better than my previous combo (Planar 2, Ortofon 520, MF X-LPS)! I'm one happy bunny!
(Just thought I'd mention also that the Blue Point is a joy to setup and use, as Sumiko are clearly aware of the frustrations of aligning and cueing cartridges. The stylus guard has a marked line denoting the lateral position of the stylus in the cart, and the pivot point of the stylus guard marks the axial position of the stylus, so getting it positioned on the cart alignment chart thing is a breeze, and then aligning it is just as breezy an the sides are perfectly straight and parallel - in stark contrast to the Ortofon and many, many other carts out there. Bravo Sumiko!)
Anyway, I'm almost definitely going to shell out for the Pink and the Sumiko - now I just need to work out if the Gram Amp 2SE is worth the extra 75 quid over the straight 2.... And may try the Project Phono Box SE if I can be bothered... but probably not!