Turntable Recommendations - Midrange Price

greg, "ignorance" means lack of knowledge. I have heard a hell of a lot of hi-fi systems over the past 22 years. But you know best.
The Devil said:
greg, "ignorance" means lack of knowledge. I have heard a hell of a lot of hi-fi systems over the past 22 years. But you know best.
22 years of experience or 52 years, lack of curiosity based on the "fact" you know you are right = ignorance in my book. And yes your posts remind me of my eldest, but I hope you are being ironic - whereas she isnt.
Finding out about things is knowledge, greg. Unless anything radical happens to those things, the knowledge remains correct, and does not need to be re-learned.
The Devil said:
Finding out about things is knowledge, greg. Unless anything radical happens to those things, the knowledge remains correct, and does not need to be re-learned.

Finding out about things is actually the process of discovery. A simplistic definition of knowledge might be - information that has a purpose or use, but knowledge is subjective.

Ignorance is indeed a lack of knowledge, but is also defined as a willful lack of desire to improve the efficiency, merit, effectiveness or usefulness of one's actions - this appears to me to apply to you.

A lack of curiosity can leave a person in the false "knowledge" that "those things" remain correct if the available information (in this case new equipment or combinations thereof) changes in the interim. I am 'curiously' awaiting your specific response to Jason's specific questions, instead of wheeling out your stock rebuff of "I dont care whether you believe Mana at Phase 11 is great - it just is..." etc.

Note: I am not drawing conclusions about the basis of your opinions ie. I am not seeking to question whether or not your setup is the world's greatest - I am drawing conslusions about the way you refuse any and all contradicting information - here there is a clear distinction.

The overwhelming conclusion I reach is you refuse new and potentially contradictory information (vis a vis your position) due to one of the following: a) arrogance, b) ignorance, c) insecurity d) irony. I wage a) and c) where in c) is a natural bi-product of a) due to a lack of self-balancing.

If you respond specifically to Jason's questions to illustrate the basis of your very firm assertion that your Ninja'd LP12 is the alpha male of TTs then that is a formed opinion and may negate my conclusions above.

If however you rebuff his questions with the usual repetitive pettiness, my conslusion would stand. Does anyone else agree or am I talking Sh*t?
greg said:
Does anyone else agree or am I talking Sh*t?

It comes across to me as irony (was that option D?) but then I haven't been here long & I own a bit of Mana, so maybe I'm viewing things differently.
najeeb said:

I am interested in getting a good medium price range turntable as I was to delve in to the world of vynl again as there seems to be a lot of good old and new stuff that is not on CD at all.

Can anyone make some suggestions on turntable, arm, cartrdge, etc.

BTW - I'll be listening to quite a varied mix of stuff from rock to classical and flamenco/spanish music.


So Najeeb what have you learn so far? Are you sure going vinyl is the way to go? I ask more or less the same question many months ago. In fact the forum was under a different name then. Guess after knowing how hard it is to get a good sound out from the black groves.....I just follow the next best advise...... buy more CDs and DVDs. ;)
Hi greg,

The argument is vacuous because those on the other side of it have never heard what a turntable (any) on P11 is capable of.
Guess after knowing how hard it is to get a good sound out from the black groves.....I just follow the next best advise...... buy more CDs and DVDs.

It's not hard at all. Just buy a decent, non-fiddly TT, get it level, away you go.

Couldn't be simpler.

-- Ian
The Devil said:
Hi greg,

The argument is vacuous because those on the other side of it have never heard what a turntable (any) on P11 is capable of.

Petty rebuff in my book.
Ok on a slightly more simple note!... I guess the whole point of turntables (assuming you get the motor and bearings right) is the effect that resonance has on it.
Thus (and stop me if I'm wrong)... I strongly suspect that issolation would be far more important than choice of arm or even deck itself. Why would a really expensive arm outperform an RB300 (as an example) if the turntable (as an extreem example!) sat in a vacume? with perfect issolation?

Hmmmm.... I'm thinking out loud here.
Oh and not to inflame the current and VERY usual arguement by The Devil and friends....

Does each platform of Mana exibit less vibration? I assume that this is what the stuff is all about. Surely there's some way to tell if less is getting through. This is the way that I've been looking at all the issolation I use, I see if the case of my DVD player still vibrates (assuming it's far enough away from the speakers to avoid airbourne vibration). So far air was the most successful treatment for this but I haven't tried everything.

Stage 11 could be better than Stage 7 if less vibration is getting through.
Hi najeeb,

you must be totally pi$$ed off by now, you ask a straight forward question and end up in the middle of a "dogma fight"

If you have a secure place to site a Turntable go for a simple Rega 3, new or recent second hand. It would fit in to the sound you are getting quite nicely.

If you have an MC input, try a Dynavector 10X5 or a 20, or a Denon 103.

If you have a MM input, try something like a Shure V15, import through Audiogon for US$299, or a ClearAudio.

Let it run in, then come back and have a good laugh or just sit and shake your head in a 'knowing way' at the arguments in this thread.

Supports do make a difference, you do not have to buy Mana to have a 'mid price' turntable sound very good.

Stands back and waits for abuse.
>the Ninja is still, and always will be a modded LP12. Plus (more importantly) it has a Naim Aro on it and I will not use Naim equipment under any circumstances.< Fox

Aha! Why will you not use Naim? Could this be the same reason some folks won't use Mana?

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