Uncle Ants
In Recordeo Speramus
Originally posted by BL21DE3
Thanks for the info guys. Uncle Ants, the deck arrives tomorrow so I'm off to the local dealers this afternoon to see what's on offer. Though I reckon I'll probably end up with either a 540 or 1042 as they seem to be the best options. The only thing I'm concerned about is the actual fitting of the cartridge. I see that Rega recommend having it fitted by a qualified dealer. How hard is it to mount a cartridge yourself? I'm just paranoid about destroying my deck before it's even been near any vinyl.
Its not that hard if you know what you are doing. I've never managed to damage mine, but if you were real clumsy I guess you could. If worried you could ask the dealer you buy the cart from nicely. I'm sure they'll be able to help.
If you do want to set it up yourself, you'll need a cartridge protractor to get it correctly aligned - you may get one with the cart - otherwise there are downloads from the net. You'll also need a stylus balance to get the tracking force correct - Ortofon do one for about £5 I think. Best thing to do is take it slowly and carefully (and sober

Look here for a useful guide:
(it deals with tonearm setup as well as cart setup, but is fairly useful)
Good luck and have fun with it :MILD: