
Oh dear! Are you sure?

I'm pretty damn sure Joel B's 20 was dark green, I remember going ââ'¬Å"Ewww, it's green!ââ'¬Â (it actually looks bloody cool) and looking at the SME site pic of the 30 kind of backs that up:


Their big pic of the 20 doesn't seem to work.

The SME20/2A sitting next to me is black. The wrinkle finish to the base plates does indeed make it look a lighter colour than the polished black parts but black it is.

Ignore them Bub - go for the SME. Nothing compares except perhaps the 30!
Yes I am curious about both those stages.

Honey badger I am.

Mmm... I think it does have a few more competitors than that ;)
RE: stages -
I have a TE Micro groove+ that is awaiting repair (when i can work out the damn value of the cap that blew).
I also have a Hagtech Cornet 2 that is more or less complete, It needs a case and output caps.
I suspect, if i dont like either that much (i have listened to the TE and a cornet 1) I will get a Trichord Diablo, I will be sure to let all know of what i think.
I am very familair with the TE MG+ and Groove, I dont know the hagtech at all. I had a quick listen to the Diablo and it sounded very good.
Better than the TE? (if so, in what way?)

edit, sorry - The Cornet is a valve amp, I have been using it for around 18 months. I have been happy with it, but as time and funds progressed i thought i would look at other options.
I got the TE at a good price, so it was worth the punt. While it is not a bad phono amp, it is not quite for me. Maybe i am to use to the valve phono amp but it is a tad to dry for me, lacking in body.
So the quest continues...but i have been told the Diablo is well worth an audition.
I will repair/complete the 2 phono amps i have and also the Scheu before making any real decisions.
The groove can sound a little bit wearing, though it is undoubtedly very fact and detailed. It was a long way ahead of the Delphini but from what I heard briefly the new diablo may be a huge step forward and seriously challenge the groove without the slight edge. I used to have a groove but now own a custom built unit. The diablo may be a happy medium from what you have said.
I didnt compare in my system. I prefer my unit to the groove. Certainly I think it would be interesting to hear the diablo in my system too.

However, changes are afoot and things may be about to shift. I am upgrading to active and that will free me from some constraints and let me look at a few other options. I plan to try a TVC or passive into the crossovers and perhaps experiment a little more with phono stages. Theres very little left I can do with the rest of the system apart from those items.

as Heuer says, just ignore them. BBV tries to claim there is no best, then picks fault with everything other than his deck. It's an old and rather amateurish attempt at a wind up. I have seen better.

The SME sounds more like real music than anything else I tried, but IMO you may not find it to be a great match for the 52 and that Linn Cartridge. Do try to borrow something more appropriate if you can.

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