Any of you folks have experiences to share or knowledge in dealing with unsolicited telemarketing phone calls here in the UK? Up until now, I've never had any problems at all to do with nuisance or unsolicited phone calls, but over the past few weeks I've starting having double glazing, replacement kitchen, money loaning and market research companies calling me up out of the blue. Only one of the callers actually asked for me by name, the others just asked to speak to the main householder. It was therefore reasonably obvious that they hadn't obtained my details from any 3rd party sources that I'd previously provided my details to. I'm usually very careful when filling in forms to tick the relevant box to state that I don't want to be put on mailing lists or have my details submitted to 3rd parties for marketing purposes; I'm also ex-directory and have opted out of having my details available on the public version of the electoral register. Before hanging up on these callers I've asked at least 2 of them to tell me how they got hold of my number in the first place, and in both cases was told that the numbers they call are generated completely at random. So, now that telemarketing companies are having a harder time obtaining lists of real numbers they can call, they get a computer system to randomly generate some out of thin air. Surely this kind of practice must be illegal?