unsolicited phone calls

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by HenryT, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. HenryT

    kennyk thecrossovernetwork.com

    Jun 2, 2005
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    for a while I got calls from xln telecom at work, as well as twats in ill-fitting suits coming in to my shop to try to get me to sign up.

    the first twunt lied and said he was from BT. so after that xln were open season as far as Im concerned.
    I get calls from what sounds like India, though it could just as well be that the England call centre has a high proportion of telesales staff with a poor grasp of English and strong accents.

    Despite repeated polite requests, sometimes several in a week, to get them to stop calling me, I was still being plagued by them. My personal best now for getting put through to a supervisor is less than one minute of hurling expletives and abuse at them. They already have been told that I won't ever sign up with xln, so they're wasting my time and tying up my phoneline.

    talk talk cold called me the other day at work and I explained that I didn't want to switch from BT - as far as I am concerned cheap isn't necessarily better and if something were to go wrong with the phoneline, a couple of days of two telecomms companies deciding whose fault it is is far more costly than BTs bills in the long run. I explained that to the caller and he started to get annoyed and angrily tried to contradict me. I said "if this is your sales pitch you're not very good" and hung up.

    got a "survey" call from a window company after I'd registered at home with TPS. when I said the word "bullsh1t" he stopped and started aggressively threatening to call the police for swearing at me :rolleyes:
    I told him not to f*** with me and hung up in the end. If I initiate the call then I don't swear. if it's incoming then I reckon it's open season. I mean if I'm registered to stop sales and marketing calls, then why the hell do they think I want to be bothered with a survey?
    kennyk, Apr 14, 2006
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