What a Cracking day

A brilliant day today:
- weather like Tones described
- at noon we had to have all our software programs to be freezed before the project goes live and it was 3 PM and we were still looking for a bug.
- sleeping in the train and nearly missed the station: the next one would have been 2 hours away and no train back until the next day.
- come home and find a few dozen of LPs on the floor without there innersleeves.

A brilliant day....
The sky over Surrey for the last hour has been as fabulous as I've ever seen it - bright oranges and reds. This augers well for tomorrow. I for one can hardly wait to get up to the sound of "you've got mail" and another cracking zeroGain thread.

On a separate note, I'd like to announce that although I will continue to defy convention, there will be more music than magic from now on. You have the right to know.

PS: don't know why the whole of the English football apparatus has decided to go into serious self-destruct mode just 3 days prior to the crucial Turkey game but it's putting a severe cramp on my listening pleasure. In order to restore my happiness levels I think I'll sell some garage stock and buy a new turntable - yesterday's visit to Tom's has inspired me. I'll start a new thread after dinner to canvas opinion.
I noticed the sky here in sunny south Wales too!!! Rich ranges and reds! Was very impressive! I even phoned my girlfriend to look (east london) and she was out looking as I phoned her!

Some very delighted shepheards in wales I feel ;)
Originally posted by merlin
My happy gypsy says it will arrive today. And just think how miserable the delivery man must be by now with all that rain.

Gypsy a no-no :cry:
Well an interesting day at the office today :eek: Naimie invaision, domino effect to a mana stand minor altercation, some personal debates, an A/V forums 'Love in' and Uncle Eric group Hug, the I luv spectre appriecation society, 7V wanting a better TT, to a knuckle dusting session with the coffin dodgers on WHF, who says a Zero gainers life is dull :rolleyes: Wm
cheers mo,i thought i was still experiencing yesterday ;) mmm todays been intresting,my assistant at work aint happy due to staff restructering caused by my leaving, :JOEL: ,and trying to sort out moving but getting no were fast.still olny 3 days till the "weekend" :D
Originally posted by merlin
My happy gypsy says it will arrive today. And just think how miserable the delivery man must be by now with all that rain.

Mr Happy Gypsy arrived and pooped his magic dust all over my front door : viola ! New Power Amp :D !
MO - can I "nick" a copy of that image???

I was on the train to Exmouth (from Exeter) going along by the side of the estuary when I noticed that sunset - totally AMAZING especially with the ripples on the water - I'm now seriously considering getting another contract phone and ensuring it has a camera on it...

I even rang my dad to tell him, but he was in Liverpool with nice overcast weather!

Sorry - just want to put this one on again - a lush sunrise to go with a lush sunset:

God damned Hippies smoking god damned dope.

what are they protesting against this time, global warming:mad:
Originally posted by 7_V
A little touchy aren't we , this beautiful morning? (but not touchy-feely)

Just a pet hate there Steve.

I mean what do bloody new age travellers want with hifi anyway. they've got their pipes and bongos to be going along with (well at least before they are confiscated by the wonderful boys in blue).
Ah but how many hundreds of thousands played only one record on their first hi-fis - "Dark Side of the Moon". It still brought a tear to many eyes when I played it at the Frankfurt show (and not because the speakers were so bad).

No hippies - no Floyd.

As for the boys in blue, wonderful they may be but it's well known that for many years they had all the best gear (and I don't mean hi-fi).

An ex and occasionally relapsing hippie.
Originally posted by domfjbrown
MO - can I "nick" a copy of that image???

I was on the train to Exmouth (from Exeter) going along by the side of the estuary when I noticed that sunset - totally AMAZING especially with the ripples on the water - I'm now seriously considering getting another contract phone and ensuring it has a camera on it...

I even rang my dad to tell him, but he was in Liverpool with nice overcast weather!

Sorry - just want to put this one on again - a lush sunrise to go with a lush sunset:

Dom, I'd love to take the credit for that pic..... but my girlfriend took it! Took about 5 and all of them are really good! I'd post the others but dunno how to get them under 20000 bytes. Not put any software on here since reformating. I'll get her to do them when later. :o

I'll be armed with camera on tripod tonight if it's anything like that again!

Merlin, I think dom's pic is from Glasto. And I take it you're taking the piss yeah? The strive to get a true reproduction of the recorded sound of the bongo is surely an admirable one! Respect! Digereedooooooooooooooooooooos!!!!!
Originally posted by merlin

God damned Hippies smoking god damned dope.

what are they protesting against this time, global warming:mad:

We were protesting about the lack of sunlight - so when it came out we all cheered... And yeah, there was a lot of smoking going on - well, it's the Stone(d) circle at Glastonbury after all... Just don't ask about the acid....
Originally posted by MO!
I'll be armed with camera on tripod tonight if it's anything like that again!

TOO DAMN RIGHT!! I'll need to find my tripod mind you - I might load my spare film into the old Nikon F301 I have knocking around, as some ACE shots of river/swans/sunset blown up to poster size might be cool... Only one thing - where the HELL IS my tripod!?!?

That's one thing my old 1999 Olympus Camedia 1400xl digicam is still good for - sunset shots! It's not bad, but is only 1.3mpixel so old hat by today's standards, but it IS SLR and has a very good CCD....
Originally posted by domfjbrown
We were protesting about the lack of sunlight - so when it came out we all cheered...

Exactly Dom. And what happens as the sun rises across the world?

I take it you were all experiencing acid rain as well?

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