Good Evening.... Infidel
Nando - eh? You rest your case how, on what?
You mean you are not going to post anymore?[/tenson of course i am, i love this forum, but if you want me to stop i will(sic), no problem if i can help i will always.
kind regards nando.
I'll get some shots up this arvo. They're not painted yet but, and I haven't finished tuning the ports, but they're sounding superb.Let's have a peek then!
Not strictly DIY this as it's not me that would do it, but it wouldn't be done 'professionally'.......
I'm looking into having the original capacitors in the crossovers in my Tannoy monitor golds updated, as this seems to be an accepted way of improving their performance (if not their value). Now I don't know a thing about all this kind of stuff but someone via the Tannoy forum on yahoo has agreed to do the work for a nominal fee of £30 so in theory I don't need to know.
But, in the general forum discussion on this subject has indicated that some brands are better than others (no suprise there I guess) but what I want to know is whether it's worth spending out the extra to get significantly improved results.
I'm not going to go mad and buy super expensive exotica, mainly because I can't afford itmad: ), but would be interested to hear any strong opinions. Anyway the number one choice at the moment (on bang for bucks) is the Wilmslow audio supercaps that I understand are rebadged solens?
Any thoughts?