What brand of caps?

it's no point to go on about interfiering with peoples opinions,"no disrespec" because most of you know what you are talking about, and people beg to differ, black gates do have a limited shelf life, so most of all , in my quater wave loudspeakers i have had them now for 17 years but i count my self lucky, as for most of my equipment, once i tried liquid cooled tweeters, also lived since a teen with all the models of tannoy dual concentrics,"i miss those" it's all personal view, why i rest my case is very time consuming for me to advice other, when there are a great lot of you who can do that very well, and for me your enthusiasem is very inspiring,thanks, i mean that.
OK, not hijacking, but for anyone's interest/suggestions:
One is the concept (bracing was ended up more complex and with a vertical one as well), and the unpainted, finished article.
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Not strictly DIY this as it's not me that would do it, but it wouldn't be done 'professionally'.......

I'm looking into having the original capacitors in the crossovers in my Tannoy monitor golds updated, as this seems to be an accepted way of improving their performance (if not their value). Now I don't know a thing about all this kind of stuff but someone via the Tannoy forum on yahoo has agreed to do the work for a nominal fee of £30 so in theory I don't need to know :) .

But, in the general forum discussion on this subject has indicated that some brands are better than others (no suprise there I guess) but what I want to know is whether it's worth spending out the extra to get significantly improved results.
I'm not going to go mad and buy super expensive exotica, mainly because I can't afford it (:mad: ), but would be interested to hear any strong opinions. Anyway the number one choice at the moment (on bang for bucks) is the Wilmslow audio supercaps that I understand are rebadged solens?

Any thoughts?

How's this proceedingt? I'm in the same boat as you and I would be interested to know how much difference it made. The soldering itself looks fairly straightforward but I'd like to only have to do it once (what with all that wadding to mess around with) - so picking the right caps would be an advantage.. especially since those 16 uF jobs look like such a tight fit.

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