What do you believe in ?

i believe in life while you have got it i think you must live it to the full, there is no need to sit down and feel sorry for yourself , i know i have missed out in a bit of life for myself, but know after all i have being through i am going to live life to the fullest, no diverse doctrine,
Homeopathy does not and can not work, there is no proof what so ever that is anything other than placebo.

I'd disagree Andy. I don't believe in generalisation. You may be right and it's nothing but placebo, but if it works for someone, why not?

Also some herbs/plants (for example, turmeric used in Indian cooking and eucalyptus) have antiseptic qualities. If they can be used to cure ailments without the side effects of modern drugs why not use them?

Also diets play a huge part, but I'm not sure if that comes under homoeopathy.
A belief in homeopathy might make the act of taking dilute sweet **** all work, but in of itself Homeopathy does nothing.

A friends mum is a registered Medical Herbalist, ie qualified medical practitioner and that's just the same as typical medicine but with organic drugs, and a little bit of karma thrown in for good measure.
Dev, homeopathy is very different to using herbs that can have benificial effects.
It is well documented regarding herbs that have medicinal properties.

Homeopathy is nothing to do with that, it is mumbo jumbo at best and dangerous at worse.
I'd disagree Andy. I don't believe in generalisation. You may be right and it's nothing but placebo, but if it works for someone, why not?

Because it leads to dismissal of actual medicine. Too many people believe homeopathy is a valid method of treatment, many of those people would go homeopathy first GP second. People actually die by doing that.

Given the nature of dilution than a little bit of many, maybe all, diseases exist in water to the same levels of homeopathic cures.....so normal drinking water should cure everything rendering you invincible to illness! That is if homeopathy worked which of course any sane logical person knows it doesnt.

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