What have you got?

i am having to put them all in order, help...and also converting them onto cd, vbia tascam recorder as eventually i will sell them,
Just visited a few online stores and ordered hard copies of Iron Maiden Albums...Just a few days and my Iron Maiden discography would be complete ;)
All you really need in your collection is a complete set of Silver Sun albums. Pop plus noise in equal measure, like The Beach Boys meeting The Ramones. Quite perfect really.

well, it will take years to list titles and artistes, about over 4000 vynil and 2000 cd's from rock, reggae, soul, fussion, jazz, clasical, indian, spanish, and more , etc, etc,
I watched the same clip. My Father died in Vietnam. When I herd the harmony, I herd how my Mother would sing to me as a Child. Love was there and very truthful.