I want a Linn - in a DB9
Good point Ian. The only live music that's really 'fast' is music played in the open air (like a brass band). Music in a concert hall is always 'slowed down' by reflections arriving at the listener. Luckily, these are generally some dBs down on the direct sound of the instruments.Originally posted by sideshowbob
The only thing "fast" systems lack is the final suspension of disbelief, i.e., they never sound exactly like live music, so you always know you're listening to a hi-fi. But they can be a good compromise, for reasons that are not to do with "excitement" alone.
I had a meeting with Shelley Katz, a classical pianist who's been working on a way to get an electronic piano to sound like a Steinway grand - I mean really sound like it. We did some very interesting experiments and I think he may be onto something. Layered Sound for more information, if you're interested.
I've got more experimenting to do but I'm having fun. It casts some light on the whole floor/stands vibration issue as well.