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You are currently misusing this message board. I advise you not to come to your own "sticky end." Your more conventional mains set up will not protect you ;)
James, you're reminded of the following clause in the new forum AUP:

Banned members

If any member has been removed from the forum for whatever reason they should no longer be the subject of any discussion, this is only fair as they no longer have any right of reply.

Originally posted by The Devil
He came to a very sticky end. Stickier than Sticky the stick insect.

For us foreign members, how is this a reference to diminutive Italians?

Mike, if answering this on the forum is unacceptable, maybe you or somebody else could PM me.
I know someone who has a nap500, 552 pre probably the new cd by now, all on a fraim or two, talk about obsessive, probably keeps it switched on all the time, and will have a coronary if it is switched off, as it means it needs another 2 weeks to get back to normal. Bit much IMO. Bit sus. too, as you can only have the naim effect if you have a fraim? hmmmm....really, truly?
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He should be so lucky. If you turn that lot off for more than a nanosecond it takes a Devil's lifetime to warm up again. By which time it all needs recapping.
Can I have a pm too? You should see the emails I'm getting...in fact, if you send me a pm I'll show you some choice snippets.

CDS3 + 552 + 500 + Fraim = mug.
Originally posted by The Devil
Can I have a pm too? You should see the emails I'm getting...in fact, if you send me a pm I'll show you some choice snippets.
I'm not really interested...but thanks anyway :)


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