What Pre?

Originally posted by Decca
I would also consider DNM or Sugden. Concordant made some superb amps, it is a shame Mr Dunlop is no longer alive. I have an old Concordant lying around somewhere, anyone know what they are worth?
Not too much I don't think. Not many people know about them. Of course Doug Dunlop used my System IV as reference speakers to develop them.

Actually I've also got a couple of Sugden C51s (preamps) if anyone cares.
Originally posted by Decca
I would also consider DNM or Sugden. Concordant made some superb amps, it is a shame Mr Dunlop is no longer alive. I have an old Concordant lying around somewhere, anyone know what they are worth?

I had a DNM pre, but sold it when it fried my power amp.

Ive been wary of mixing solid state with valve pre-pows ever since.

I suppose the answer is to save, save and save some more and then demo like mad...some interesting options to try that I havent heard before.
Originally posted by bottleneck
Thanks BC!!

I know you wont believe it, but I prefer the L1... I actually had the L1 against an ARC pre and a CJ pre and bought the L1 in preference... The ARC and the CJ had a lot of extra ..valvey warmth and colouration to my ears... too much of a good thing?

Like fergal sharkey used to sing '' a good pre these days is hard to find'' ?!?

Well Chris, I might ! but I must say I've never heard an ARC pre !!!!

As at some stage I feel the PV-10 is due for a replacement, maybe we should get together and mass dem some pre's:D

In the end though suppose its all about synergy

Originally posted by penance
I may be interested in building you pre amp for you
Mail me

penance AT blueyoder.co.uk

Can I have a borrow when its done? pllleeeeease mr 7 V?

In kit form it looks to be very good value.
There are some TAG McLaren bargains going at the moment. I've just bought a PA20R for £600, and am stunned by the improvement over the PA10: I thought I was just going to get remote control. At the price, it seems like a bargain to me.

well, thanks to everybody for their advice.

I met Steve (7_V) today, and bought his kit pre-amp. Very nice it will be too when complete.

Thanks to Steve for his hospitality today.

I'll write more about seventh veil speakers soon, but tonight Im shattered, and need me bed!


NB it looks like this.

Originally posted by LiloLee
Told you didn't I :D

Now has anybody else got some hifi kits they never got around to build that I can have?

You certainly did mate! thanks for the reccomendation.

Early impressions are of a very high quality of parts that look like they will make a pre of tank-like quality which is great.

Only downside is the instructions - which while comprehensive seem to have some ''differences'' with what I have in the box.

Hopefully the audioasylum forum should be able to answer them, and if not maybe DIY hifi supply are on the phone..


indeed it is mate!

Ive moved on a little since then - found my answers, and I now have just spend an hour trying to find out if UK voltages are 220 230 or 240 - and have found that 230v with variation of 4-9% is the answer - so all answers are correct!

Oh the fun we have with our soldering irons!!

:rolleyes: Chris

NB thanks for checking anyway mte

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