whats your favourite big fat solid state amp?

And when solid state amps go tits up, they often output DC voltage which fries loudspeaker voice coils, meaning you have two lots of kit to repair!
I'd love to see how a Nait 5i sounds - or a 202/200. It's off the wall, won't be easy to listen to, but should be fairly vivid.

Failing that, Bryston or just get some PMC actives and give up the hobby.
don't bryston sound not at all big and full?

Ive seen them second hand cheap, and I really (really) like the 20 year guarantee.

also seen a BAT VK220 for about £1500.

Lavardin, nowhere to be seen used. accuphase, none of the class A stuff, just the class B. Still a contender though.

Sugden, I'd probly go for a masterclass power amp, but have only seen the monoblocks and they are too dear.

Im a bit cautious about the mega-watt amps mentioned, speakers are 101db efficient, and get more than enough power from current 80w amp.
How about Electrocompaniet stuff - plenty on ebay and at used dealers (Midlandaudio have several).

I had an ECI-3 and found it very fat but a bit lethargic and syrupy for my tastes - not sure what the bigger ones are like but they seem to all have a reputation for a warm valve like sound


Also found this on ebay which might be a laugh-
Those Vincents look interesting. I bought my Perreaux from a German ebayer and the postage (Deutschepost) was only 20 euros and it was here inside 36 hours. I guess the Vincents might weigh twice as much or be in two boxes but that should still only be 50 euros or so.

Just checked the specs and they actually only weigh 5KG each and are quite dimuitive so probably only 1 box as well.
What about Gamut ?. They have the detail of the BCs with a bit more warmth and they are solid. Some on audiogon but not many on UK ebay.
Monarchy Audio sm70's are nice. class A, can be monoblocked, sweet full sound, with a touch of finesse.
alanbeeb said:
I was going to suggest Lavardin, but yes, where are they to be found 2nd hand?
I wouldnt describe the Lavardin's as having a big juicy sound.

I reckon Class A is what you need - Jungson do an interesting 100W one (can't remember the model number though)
Clearly, there is a spectrum of personal preference: from 'cold & thin' to 'warm & bloated'. But I don't look to the poweramp to deliver colour. As WM implies, that should come from other kit, both before and aft, with the poweramp allowing the signal to push/pull the speakers and have me make-believe its happening there in front of me.
so far favouring

BAT VK220 (£1500) RRP £3150
Electrocompaniet AW120 (£1200) RRP £2500
EAR 834T (2000) RRP £2700
Unico DM (£900) RRP £1500

834T and Unico DM use a valve as a driver (I don't mind, as a driver valve it will last years and years and years and cost £10 to replace) and are Mosfet for pwr.

Electro.c. is a class A 120w, funny way of doing class A.

BAT is , dunno, about 120w big fat amp.

decisions decisions..

Hi Ditton,
Sorry, I rate the Bel Canto in some respects, but it just doesn't produce the kind of sound I like. It can't be for everyone :)
BAT VK220 (£1500) RRP £3150
Electrocompaniet AW120 (£1200) RRP £2500

Anyone heard these two in particular?

I've got an Electrocompaniet AW 220, similar to the 120.
I find it quite dry sounding, not warm fat sounding but that could be my speakers.

I'm selling it at a good price, someone else has first dibs but not sure if they are committing yet.
ditton said:
But I don't look to the poweramp to deliver colour. As WM implies, that should come from other kit, both before and aft, with the poweramp allowing the signal to push/pull the speakers.

But different amplifiers will sound different with different loudspeakers as the damping factor and output impedence will vary. So they will all colour the sound to a certain extent.


Interesting reading HERE in light of the comparison with the BAT solid state device.
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If I were in your possition, I would consider my search over, this will be the only amplifier you will ever need.

Forget the stigma (if you feel there is one) assosiated with big Japanese integrateds, this is one superb chunk of kit.
alanbeeb said:
I've got an Electrocompaniet AW 220, similar to the 120.
I find it quite dry sounding, not warm fat sounding but that could be my speakers.

I'm selling it at a good price, someone else has first dibs but not sure if they are committing yet.

Hi Alan,

Thanks, but more interested in the 120 as it is a big class 'a' amp.