SH Pass Labs Aleph solid state legendary power amp £899
Stereophile in the US rate this as a Class A product - which is their highest rating. Unbreakable design, rock solid stability and unheralded performance. Requires a good pre-amp like the one above but not ideal with passive pre-amps. RRP £2K and hard to find in the UK. Boxed and in good order.
Bit of a legend by all accounnts - class A 30watts - should be perfect
Theres also a lovely pair of Revel F30 speakers to match your subwoofer on ebay if you really wanted a change.
I'd hate to crown any amplifier, but I think I would (on bended knee) classify the Aleph as the worst sounding pile of poo I've ever had the misfortune to tread on!
No sweat. If, in the unlikely case that a Sugden amp went Kaput, you just give them a ring, speak to some nice person, tell him your problem, they tell you what's wrong and send you the part which you then solder in yourself. Guaranteed for life.
I much vouch for a Sugden A21SE or later generation A21. Great amps with lots of weight and dense and large soundscapes. Less 'airy' and transparent as Lavardin, which I find not really warm but rather sweet with a bit of looseness and warmth to the bass.
With you on the Pass amps! I had an Aleph 3 (I think) as a loaner for a couple of weeks years ago whilst my Audions were being repaired but it was soooo boring I just didn't listen to the hifi until my valve amp came back !!
Or you could find Proceed, if you're lucky. I use the AMP5 for AV and stereo, and find it really excellent, with a warm inviting sound. I use it with LV IBX's so pretty sensitive, but have no problems with that at all. The bottom end grip is mighty impressive
I'm using a Dynavector HX1.2 or the Velleman K4040 - at last the bottom end grip that's elusive with the OBXs (and any other LV, I suspect). Its a relief that their achilles heel can be cured with the right blunderbuss.