whats your favourite big fat solid state amp?

Naim NAP 250 (olive), nice & warm sounding. About £1000, I'd guess. Partner it with a NAC 32.5/hicap, or a 52/supercap if feeling expansive.

SH Pass Labs Aleph solid state legendary power amp £899
Stereophile in the US rate this as a Class A product - which is their highest rating. Unbreakable design, rock solid stability and unheralded performance. Requires a good pre-amp like the one above but not ideal with passive pre-amps. RRP £2K and hard to find in the UK. Boxed and in good order.

Bit of a legend by all accounnts - class A 30watts - should be perfect:D

Theres also a lovely pair of Revel F30 speakers to match your subwoofer on ebay if you really wanted a change.

I've had an Aleph here before.

I'd hate to crown any amplifier, but I think I would (on bended knee) classify the Aleph as the worst sounding pile of poo I've ever had the misfortune to tread on!

(no offense) :)
Sugden reliability

No sweat. If, in the unlikely case that a Sugden amp went Kaput, you just give them a ring, speak to some nice person, tell him your problem, they tell you what's wrong and send you the part which you then solder in yourself. Guaranteed for life.
I much vouch for a Sugden A21SE or later generation A21. Great amps with lots of weight and dense and large soundscapes. Less 'airy' and transparent as Lavardin, which I find not really warm but rather sweet with a bit of looseness and warmth to the bass.
unclepuncle said:
No offence taken - sorry for such a rubbish recommendation:(

Dont worry! I was as suprised as anyone to discover how bad it was. I wouldn't have demo'd it if I hadn't thought it would be excellent too.


Thanks everyone for all the help.. but I am now sorted out I think.


With you on the Pass amps! I had an Aleph 3 (I think) as a loaner for a couple of weeks years ago whilst my Audions were being repaired but it was soooo boring I just didn't listen to the hifi until my valve amp came back !!

Octave Research OR-1 derived from the Rappaport Amp1

either will do.

unfortunately nigh on impossible to find but worth looking for
Jeff Rowland
Ayre Acoustics
Mark Levinson

Or you could find Proceed, if you're lucky. I use the AMP5 for AV and stereo, and find it really excellent, with a warm inviting sound. I use it with LV IBX's so pretty sensitive, but have no problems with that at all. The bottom end grip is mighty impressive
I'm using a Dynavector HX1.2 or the Velleman K4040 - at last the bottom end grip that's elusive with the OBXs (and any other LV, I suspect). Its a relief that their achilles heel can be cured with the right blunderbuss.
it would be boring if I just went ahead and told you all! :D

It's none of those mentioned so far, and not what I originally intended...


1st clue... someone on the forum has one. His first initial is D.