when 50 watts isn't enuff

50 Watts of Enya and Mel C should be illegal. They should send hoards of soldiers into homes that possess these wankers of music destruction.
Always thought 50 wpc is more than sufficient for my needs - the volume knob rarely goes above 10 o'clock as the rooms starts shaking with some heavy tracks :D
well as it happens, I also listen to real jazz, early black sabbath, rush, gong, classical, bothy band, mantovani, max bygraves....errr, no.....!!

Those were quoted as they were the only tracks that induced the amps to misbehave their naughty selves.

Looks like a nice amp on ebay, I can certainly vouch for them...

yuk it an inside out p***s
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What I find weird is that there was a vocal transient on a Mel C track!
Shurely shome mishtake? Haven't they heard that it's illegal not to use as much compression as possible on "radio friendly music"? (he said with a modicum of tact...)
Although I must agree, 50 watts isn't enough ;);)
To be honest Id be amazed if the amp is clipping, and suspect recorded distortion also..

As has been mentioned, slap it in the car stereo and see if it does the same..

Im soon to be going from 50w to 9w, no clipping on either!

50W :( I need more than that for the av reciever running, CURRENT is what it's all about, the amplifer MUST be able to deliver, large amounts quickly when requested to do so by those great musical transients, Juice man, give me the juice :D
If the speakers are at least 91db/W/m efficiency then 50W (perhaps 20 amps per channel) in a small to medium size room is plenty and all you will ever need. Some 50W amps can almost match some 100W amps into transient 4 Ohms loads; but more is always better! It is a nice feeling to have more than you need. I got 100W/ch amp and 91db/W/m speakers and I NEVER need to go above quarter way on the dial in my little 12ft front room.

James Brown is on tv........:D

Mel C and Enya sound 'best' on midi-systems. At least move the Enya aside and try some Amon Tobin, 2 Lone Swordsmen, etc....
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Originally posted by Anna K
try some Amon Tobin,

Some of the best drums around!

Tony, give these a listen for "thwack"


Will Gary/Free Willy/666/Anarchy and CJ return in the battle of all battles!


Now time for CJ to return....
Originally posted by Anna K
James Brown is on tv........:D

Don't tell he's been let out too:rolleyes:

Seriously, is it possible that you are overloading the input stage of the MF rather than the output? Have you tried listening for the distortion on headphones?

The 89dbw/8ohm recommendation BTW seems to be very convenient considering MF were marketing high efficiency loudspeakers around this time. Still, if it is the amp running out of steam, it wouldn't be the first time an MF amplifier failed to meet published specs when it came to available power output;)
Originally posted by merlin
Don't tell he's been let out too:rolleyes:

Seriously, is it possible that you are overloading the input stage of the MF rather than the output? Have you tried listening for the distortion on headphones?

The 89dbw/8ohm recommendation BTW seems to be very convenient considering MF were marketing high efficiency loudspeakers around this time. Still, if it is the amp running out of steam, it wouldn't be the first time an MF amplifier failed to meet published specs when it came to available power output;)

The James Brown thing was very interesting. James and others believed that the US powers that be were trying to grind James into the ground in order to prevent his rise as a black 'messiah' or spokesperson..... Makes you think.. I mean.. Public Enemy's Chuck D claimed that George Bush senior had him bugged for the same reasons...
Originally posted by merlin
The 89dbw/8ohm recommendation BTW seems to be very convenient considering MF were marketing high efficiency loudspeakers around this time. Still, if it is the amp running out of steam, it wouldn't be the first time an MF amplifier failed to meet published specs when it came to available power output;)
merlin, I think it's a bit unfair to tar the MF that made the A1000 with the same brush as today's MF.

The A1000 is a Tim de Parvacini (sp?) (now of EAR fame) design and not a Michaelson one ;) Apparently though the A1 (which came before the A1000) claimed 20W Class A allthough it was really Class AB highly biased into Class A. The heatsink top cover also doubled as a grill plate :D. See here for more info.

The A1000 I believe really is 50W Class A. If you haven't heard one, you should. What I'd really like to see one of these days is to dem. a £700 s/h A1000 to someone who's just blown £3K (or whatever) on a new TriVista integrated :JOEL:

Originally posted by michaelab
merlin, I think it's a bit unfair to tar the MF that made the A1000 with the same brush as today's MF.


I wasn't Michael, I was tarring them with the same brush as the MF that made the A1:D The point about the speakers just goes to show the MF marketing machine was in full swing even then. If you have a true 50 wpc Class A amplifier, then it should just about drive anything.

Look at Krell KSA50, the Sugden Masterclass, and the myriad valve amplifiers from Audio Reseach and CJ. All 50wpc Class A, all sound massively powerful, and most were used to drive speakers whose efficiency was frankly appalling (SL600's anyone?)

So either MF put some BS in the manual to encourage purchase of their Kelly loudspeakers (by far the most likely reason), or the amp itself is seriously compromised. Either way, it's not a great advert for MF is it?
They stopped making the A1000 before they got Kelly re-launched after aquisition.

Kelly, I believe, were re- launched at the same time as the A1001 was launched, the item that killed the A1000 (along with legislation)

The A1000 got measured at the time at closer to 65 watts so MF weren't BSing about power but "mostly " class A is probably accurate. Still sounds great though.
What legislation helped to kill the A1000??

That'll be the legislation that prohibits MF from keeping something in production for more than 6 months:)


PS mike, can you look in the mods forum, there's something we need to discuss.

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