Where to find 2nd hand tt's

Out of the TTs mentioned, I'd get the Thorens; it should sound at least as good as one of the others and has the greatest potential for future improvements, should you like what you hear.
Originally posted by Markus Sauer
Out of the TTs mentioned, I'd get the Thorens; it should sound at least as good as one of the others and has the greatest potential for future improvements, should you like what you hear.
I agree, although the standard arm provided isn't as good as the other two. I would still choose the TD160 combo as is over a Dual.
Agreed on that, too. The Thorens arm is no great shakes, but is plenty good enough for a reasonable moving magnet cartridge. the arm can later be changed for a Rega, for example.

A good stock Thorens 160 is on a par with a Rega 3. With a few aftermarket go-faster mods (springs and the like) it gets substantially better.
All sounds great :)
If the thorens is working and without a 9 inch decal of iain duncan smith or something similarily horrible I would very much like to take it off your hands. I take it I could fit modern carts like the ortofen om10 etc. to it yeah? If not what fits?
Am quite tempted by the rega coz of its rep and the simple unsuspended design but think I should be able to handle suspended chassis' and I do like to have a fiddle with things!

Thanks very much again


ps my email address is [email protected] to arrange moneys and stuff.
You had chance to check if the thorens is in alright condition and working ok yet? Has it got a cover? no great shakes if it hasnt as I guess I can make one from acrylic.

p.s. thats an underscore in my email not a space.

Tebbs, keep an eye out in the Admart and Freeads, the other week I saw a Planar 3 with RB250 arm in there for £75! Unfortunately, I didn't have the money and it seems to have sold, not surprised.
Originally posted by Tebbs
You had chance to check if the thorens is in alright condition and working ok yet? Has it got a cover? no great shakes if it hasnt as I guess I can make one from acrylic.
Andy, I'll check today and get back to you.
Originally posted by Tebbs
You had chance to check if the thorens is in alright condition and working ok yet? Has it got a cover? no great shakes if it hasnt as I guess I can make one from acrylic.

p.s. thats an underscore in my email not a space.

Hi Andy

I've fired up the TD160 and she works well. The bearing and the motor are both pretty quiet. She plays fine at 33rpm and at 45rpm if you lift off the platter and move the belt to the 45rpm slot. The mechanism for doing this automatically needs a bit of jiggling around but basically that should be ok, too.

Cosmetically, she's good - very clean and very pretty. The dust cover is fine too, although there are one or two minor chips on the edges.

Overall, I'd say that she's pretty tidy and, to be honest, a good buy at £60. I'll PM you with details of payment, etc. in case you want to go for it.

if you go for the 160 and, in keeping with the spirit of this forum, want to have a go at it, take a look here - most of the tips, especially those regrading platter damping, are also applicable to the 160. The outlay is minimal, the sonic improvements are substantial.
Have gone for the TD160 (Thanks Steve!!!, Hope the moneys came through) And keep finding groovy things to do with them and a lot of them look not too hard at all. Will give me something to do in the 4 months off I have over the summer!!! (dont hate me coz Im a student ;))

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