Wm[/QUOTE] Kev why are you sill mucking about ?Wm[/QUOTE]
Eh ? Remember when Hifi was also your hobby before you made it your living
hell its supossed to be a hobby I,d consider it refining rather than mucking about,
WM A quote for you In HI FI News
"If you have a source that you enjoy,and you want more of that sound then the DAP10 is Unique in that it is the only product that can do this without upsetting the fundamental sonic character"
Now I,m not gonna blindly go buy it because of that review,made that mistake
Buying the VSM's some time ago, but I do try the kit before I make a personal
now I,ve a very open mind, thats why I,ve tried god knows how many powercables and several mains treatments costing alot more than the DAP 10
maybe I,m lucky and got good main's here, I'm yet to be convinced in their
I'll not pre judge the DAP10 but If it does what it says in the above quote from HIFI news I for one will be happy to part with £899
You keep banging on about getting a pre-amp,
your advise is well meaning I guess,but I don't want a pre-amp
been there done that,any pre will add its own character
having partnered the Krells with the ARC SP9 LS2B and the LS25
they all changed the sound drastically.....the LS2B was dire compared to the other two.
This is well spooky, but by complete coincidece, this has just arrived in my Mail box this eve from a capitole owner in Holland.....
I will also add that I have done an extensive evaluation in my system of the Capitole 24/192 with and without the preamp in the circuit, with both my ARC LS-16 and the beautifully liquid Hovland HP-100. Without a doubt, I preferred neither with the Capitole! In fact, in my opinion is that it does sound best run fully balanced direct to amp.
one thing I have learned is that the KISS philosophy has great merit
I love what the AA brings to the party, as is human nature, I would just like more.
Eh ? Remember when Hifi was also your hobby before you made it your living
hell its supossed to be a hobby I,d consider it refining rather than mucking about,
WM A quote for you In HI FI News
"If you have a source that you enjoy,and you want more of that sound then the DAP10 is Unique in that it is the only product that can do this without upsetting the fundamental sonic character"
Now I,m not gonna blindly go buy it because of that review,made that mistake
Buying the VSM's some time ago, but I do try the kit before I make a personal
now I,ve a very open mind, thats why I,ve tried god knows how many powercables and several mains treatments costing alot more than the DAP 10
maybe I,m lucky and got good main's here, I'm yet to be convinced in their
I'll not pre judge the DAP10 but If it does what it says in the above quote from HIFI news I for one will be happy to part with £899
You keep banging on about getting a pre-amp,
your advise is well meaning I guess,but I don't want a pre-amp
been there done that,any pre will add its own character
having partnered the Krells with the ARC SP9 LS2B and the LS25
they all changed the sound drastically.....the LS2B was dire compared to the other two.
This is well spooky, but by complete coincidece, this has just arrived in my Mail box this eve from a capitole owner in Holland.....

I will also add that I have done an extensive evaluation in my system of the Capitole 24/192 with and without the preamp in the circuit, with both my ARC LS-16 and the beautifully liquid Hovland HP-100. Without a doubt, I preferred neither with the Capitole! In fact, in my opinion is that it does sound best run fully balanced direct to amp.
one thing I have learned is that the KISS philosophy has great merit
I love what the AA brings to the party, as is human nature, I would just like more.
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