Which Headphone amp - Perraeaux or Musical Fidelity?

Originally posted by RDD
PS - I wasn't having a pop at you!!

No problems Rick, I know you werent, but I felt obliged to say something, since people are accusing me (correctly) of having severe upgraditis, but my point is, that if there were a good selection of cans and amps to listen to at hifi shops, this situation may never have had arisen for me. Even when I do audition at shops, I am in the main shop area and its impossible to hear what the cans are really like with all that noise. I know I am close. I am going to try the Solo soon, but if that doesnt work out, then I am going to try the PPA, as several users have had great success with that and the CD3000. The PPA is a high end DIY headphone amp BTW.
Understood, no problem :cool:

I've heard about the PPA on Headfi, would you have a crack at building it yourself, or would you get someone to build it up for you? Last time I heard there was a guy in the UK building them for people, is that still the case?

Look forward to the review on the Slee Solo Paul :boogie:

If I ended up going for the PPA, I'd be getting someone from the US to build it for me. There are a number of builders of the amp overseas, and the usual price is around £350 - £400. Nobody AFAIK builds them in the UK. I know a guy who used to build Chiarra headphone amps, which I believe will be a really good alternative, and Williams Hart electronics sell the Chiarra in kit form or assembled - looking at around £320 for the assembled kit and power supply, but the guy who used to build the Chiarra reckons the quality if it was sold commercially means it would sell for around £1000. Cant confirm this though as I've never heard one.

Given that I can get a refund on the Solo theres not too much risk involved I feel.
Richard Hallman would build you a Chiarra, I've got his won one-box one on extended loan (Cheers Richard!). I went from comy to Meta42 to Chiarra, and I have to say it was a real step-up each upgrade. I've not had a chance to really sit down and analyse the sound from the Chiarra, but it's definitely a very good performer, and well worth thinking about if you're looking to spend the money. I'm using it with HD-600s and it sounds very good, and I've got the Cardas upgrade cable on the way as well.
Originally posted by PBirkett
Simple answer to the first question: When I find something I like :D

I know that feeling... :D

Paul, have you used a Corda at any stage? I'm curious about the crossfeed effect they talk about, and whether this has a positive effect. Maybe you (or another forum member) can comment?


Yes I used to own the HA-1. Didnt like the crossfeed on it, seemed to lose the impact of the bass to me and make things sound more distant / less lively. However, his external Cross-1 device is meant to be considerably better.
Thanks Paul. That's one I won't buy blind then...

I'm using a Creek OBH21-SE with Grado 325s. I'm fairly happy with the sound, except for a slight buzz in the left can during silent passages. (TBH, it can't be heard during the music, but it bothers me :rolleyes: )

I was thinking of trying a Grado RA1 as the absence of a transformer might be silent (once I remember to keep a stock of batteries!). But Headphone.com say Grado won't let them ship overseas (their price is US$315) and Stoneaudio.com are charging £400 sterling !! Twice the price... :confused:

So I can (a) hassle Grado, (b) stick with the Creek, or (c) continue to annoy the neighbours with the SA1550s :JPS:

Once you've found nirvana please post the directions :D
Dont buy an RA-1 for £400. Thats an outrageous price for what is probably no more than a CMOY amp in a wooden box. There are MUCH better amps for that money, like the Slee Solo...
Originally posted by paulraff
I'm using a Creek OBH21-SE with Grado 325s. I'm fairly happy with the sound, except for a slight buzz in the left can during silent passages. (TBH, it can't be heard during the music, but it bothers me :rolleyes: )

Very odd, I'm using an OBH11-SE and while there have been subtle modifications to the components on the OBH21-SE mine is deadly silent, in fact if you trawl headfi it's a common trait of all Creek OBH amps that when no signal is being passed through them they are deadly silent.

It definately sounds like a fault rather than a design flaw :(
Originally posted by RDD
....if you trawl headfi it's a common trait of all Creek OBH amps that when no signal is being passed through them they are deadly silent.

It definately sounds like a fault rather than a design flaw :(


That's what I was afraid of. I bought it by mail order and I'm not sure about the hassle of returning it. I'll listen to it again over the weekend and have a think. And I also have a Project Headbox that is silent, which I may dig out again and try.

Originally posted by PBirkett
Dont buy an RA-1 for £400. Thats an outrageous price for what is probably no more than a CMOY amp in a wooden box. There are MUCH better amps for that money, like the Slee Solo...

Don't worry. there's no way I'd pay £400 for it. I wasn't even that sold on $315. Thanks for the advice though.
Originally posted by paulraff

That's what I was afraid of. I bought it by mail order and I'm not sure about the hassle of returning it. I'll listen to it again over the weekend and have a think. And I also have a Project Headbox that is silent, which I may dig out again and try.

If I were you I would e-mail/phone the company that you bought it from and ask for a replacement. Don't make the mistake that I did thinking that "oh its only minor it won't bother me THAT much". Wrong. I've got an intermittently buzzing marantz amp (sensitive to dc on mains apparantly) and figured that I could live with it. Four years down the line and its driving me nuts. I'd upgrade/swop it but everything that I've heard has been similar/not worth the difference to upgrade.

Change it now (if only for a replacement) and be happier in the long run!

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